dumbass_man "Are you looking for me?"
62 year old man from Robinson, Illinois      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About dumbass_man
I am a good ole country boy that grew up in the big city. I am very family oriented and spend much of my time helping my two children with their dilemmas, projects and such. I am easy going and up to bat when needed. I'm looking for a woman I can't live without. It would be nice if she has a zest for life. Take a chance and send me a message. I'm not into head games and I hope you aren't either. I have never been into the bar scene, just not a social butterfly. I do like country dancing, I'd love to learn how to swing dance. I am good with Mechanics (cars/trucks), computers, appliances, and electricity. I also like to help my daughter do sewing projects. I'm still hoping to p on my knowledge to both of my children. I would like to find a woman who is also hard working and is as easygoing and outgoing as I am. I don't have a Harley! I have an ATV. I like to go into the woods to camp, get away from the everyday grind, humbug, and crap people dish out. I listen to all kinds of music, I always like clic rock, and there are some VERY good pop and alternative songs. I am looking for a good woman to love, not be my mother, someone to stand beside me not in front of or behind me.
Profession: Mechanic, Retired
Physical Appearance
6' 3"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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