Hazeleyes_86 "Here's to finding a good man"
38 year old woman from Rochester, Washington      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Hazeleyes_86
Hey Y'all! My name is Jessica, I am a country girl at heart. I got country running through my veins. You’ll more than likely p me on the freeway and see me belting out country music on my radio. I love to sing. I enjoy singing karaoke at bars, to me it's lots of fun. Even better if it's a compeion. I’d rather be in the woods than the city. Not saying I don't love going to the city. I like dressing up and going out with my girls dancing from time to time. I enjoy hunting, fishing, crawfishing, crabbing, mudding, riding quads, horses, and bonfires. I love going for long drives in the woods, floating the river, going to the dunes, and camping. I’m a tomboy at heart. I can hold my own with the boys...okay, I try to. Haha! I’m very compeive. If you wanna wrestle, you’re on! Play football, lets do it! Arm wrestle, be careful, you might lose. I love basically anything that’s a thrill. I wanna go skydiving, rock climbing, white water rafting, surfing, snowboarding, and anything else that gets my adrenaline going. I love finding new things to go do. I'm pretty adventurous. I have two beautiful baby gurls. Yea, they're dogs. They mean the world to me, I love em so much. My values and beliefs are important to me. I am a Christian and though I don’t go to church every Sunday I’ll stand up for my beliefs in a heartbeat. I try not to argue with anyone about my beliefs, you respect mine, I’ll respect yours. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. If you ask me for my opinion, I’ll tell it to you like it is. If you don't want the truth, don't ask me. I am straight up about everything. I hate head games. I never say anything about anyone I wouldn't say to there face. I dislike drama and avoid it at all costs, literally! I grew up in a musically inclined family. We all love and enjoy playing music. I play drums, but not that much anymore. My family has a nice music room that we can go in and jam. I love it. It’s great to be able to bond with your family through music. Our talents are the gift that God gives to us... What we make of our talents is our gift back to God. I try to live life to it’s fullest and enjoy any minute.
Profession: Dental Assistant
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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