EmeraldSkies "Lets start as friends and see how it goes"
40 year old woman from Southgate, Michigan      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About EmeraldSkies
Not seeking any love interests, thank you.. :) Friends are fine, not not friends with hopes of dating, thank you. -- .. These Emerald Skies tell no lies .. Greetings and welcome to my little hideaway on Mingle2. Odds are good you've came here to grab a quick glance to see who I am and will likely dismiss me quickly and move on to find more profiles to browse. That's alright! Odds are I'll return the favor and take a quick glance at your profile, too. Perhaps you'd like to know a little about what I like (that isn't listed in the orange text above), for that... Simply ask! Mutual conversation is enlightening and I promise I won't bite! I will have you note, that I'm a 29-year-old single mother that is now entering into her 3rd semester at college, and will likely have another 4-6 years before completion. Several people have 'dissed' my career choice 'Criminal Justice' labeling me a 'Wanna be cop,' but that's alright! They simply are uninformed. Care to know more? Just ask! Be aware, my career is not for the light-hearted. It is a career that even I am wary of and do not like, but it is a career of necessity in this crazy world of ours. Should also note that I do not drive due to medical reasons, and do not expect to really ever be able to drive. I have un-diagnosed Epilepsy and am being tested soon for Lupus and Endometriosis. I'm not too sure if I have either of those, but am showing similar signs. As so saying, would ideally look for something that if we planned on hooking up, has no issues with doing the driving to come meet me. I also do not have perfect teeth. They were born imperfect and have remained such due to many years of lack of insurance. My smile may not be 'perfect', but beauty is only skin deep. I used to have absolutely horrible vision but, thanks to LASIK, my vision is now 'better than perfect,' other than my night vision which suffered the consequences. I will chat to most anyone, but ideally would 'partner' with someone that never smokes, never drinks, never does drugs and is somewhere in the age range of 28-35. Thank you for reading my little tale. -- SERIOUSLY quit writing to me with all of this "Hey babe" "Hey gorgeous" mumbo.. All you're doing is getting yourself blocked. You don't know me, we've never met and I am NOT your 'babe' or 'hun'! # Please stop blowing me kisses and hugging me.. It's really grossing me out, lol #
Profession: Criminal Justice College Student
Physical Appearance
5' 3"
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No answer
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
No answer
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