Not the Mona Lisa but not the steply ug sister either. Just looking to find friends or anyone interested in email first, get comfortable,... we'll see where it goes.
I came here to take care of my daughter, but will be headed back to Oregon in March (or at least that is the plan so far). So now I am here living in a dinky trailer with lots of time on my hands (not working, yet plan on it though) I am an honest person who is extremely cautious about who I spend time with in any form (online or in person). I have a great sense of humor and a pretty possitive outlook on life. Recently divorced for the 3rd time I have been down that road and don't really want to go there again. Not really looking for the love of my life as I believe we have many. Say hello, ask questions, I will respond. But I firmly believe that if first impressions don't give a good feeling, you can't make it happen.