gulitypleasures "I'm happy, free, confused and lonely in the best way. :)"
33 year old woman from Manila, Zamboanga      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About gulitypleasures
I would like to write something intensely funny about myself, and impress the hell out of you. But if I do, I'd come off as socially awkward and extremely idiotic. So, I'll just stick to the truth as much as possible. I'm a romantic, maybe not the hopeless kind, but you know the drill. Candle-lit dinners, walks on the beach, cuddling. Name it and I've probably fantasized about it. I hope to find the kind of love they show in movies, but realistically speaking, I have a one in a gazillion chance of attaining that. So I'��ll settle for the next best thing. Finding a guy with whom I can give my heart to a hundred and ten percent and be sure that I also get the same from him. Someone who is dependable and responsible and would accept me and my quirks (Talking to dogs kind of weird), accept my son, and would be willing to weather out the storm to keep the relationship. But first I want to be my own person, be able to hold out my own and THEN find the right person to settle down with and marry. That way, I can proudly tell myself that I married this certain guy not for who he is but for what he is. I ’m an aspiring writer. And even if I ’m the only one who appreciates my work, even if I won't get famous, or get anything in print, I woul��d still write. I have my bad traits, too. I guess people only write good things about themselves here and believe me, I am tempted to do so, but that would be leading you, reader dear, on. I am not so good with housework, I usually eat tons (good thing I don't get fat), I have two left feet, I'm tone deaf and I CANNOT carry a tune. I like listening to music, I usually speak before I think and I can be very blunt. I can be extremely sloooooooooooooooow and stew-pid at times. But only at times. And yes, sad movies (and even very happy ones!) always make me cry. My good traits would include: I am fun-loving and family-oriented. :) I am caring and very thoughtful, and I am a good listener (not because I have nothing to say, believe me, I do. I just happen to be really interested :D). I am juxtaposition. I am responsible, but also very care-free, I would like to plan ahead but I am also very spontaneous, sometimes doing things on a mere whim. I have a wild imagination, and maybe this is an essential to writing. I try to take care of myself and I can adopt to most surroundings. And I love to explore new things. And yes, though I tend to lie (as most people do), I try to be open and honest with others. I have a dog named Lelouche, and yes, I am a dog person. I would like to own and learn to ride a horse one of these days, God willing. I guess that pretty much sums it up. Though of course I can't tell you my whole life story in just one sitting. Oh, and yes. My username is GULiTYPLEASURES, a pun on the phrase. Nothing alluding to sex, heaven forbid. Guilty pleasure is CHOCOLATE, and other things. :) Pls, don't hesitate to message me. Just nothing sexual, okay? God knows how many are out there for sex! As I said, I'm a romantic. Keep it clean and simple. Lets get to know each other, see where it takes us. :)
Profession: STUDENT
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Want Children?
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