zen31999 "Cry till i laugh and laugh till i cry..i'll take my chances"
61 year old man from Arbutus, Maryland      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About zen31999
There are basically 3 types of "fishermen" involved in these waters: 1. "Netters", caste a wide net and trying to catch as many as possible 2. "Trollers" are moving fast and just trying to snag an easy one on the way by 3. You will have to ask. I do not net or troll!!!! Once you get past the stupidity and gruff exterior this is the man you will find: honest, sincere, heart of gold, and completely monogamous(does that count for anything these days?) Warning, my sense of humor is warped, and like my stupidity, will periodically get me in trouble. I am not looking to get married tomorrow or laid tonight. Slow and steady is more my speed. However, if after a few mailings, you are not ready to move this to the phone, don't waste our time. This is the worst form of communication since "stone tablets" and we might as well see if we at least "click" on the phone. Some stimulating and humorous conversation never did anyone any harm. Note: i have come up with a rude, somewhat crude, quite funny (imo) joke about this online dating $#$%. You have to ask to hear it and give me absolution in advance. It may well offend a lot of women out there. Sorry, i am not interested in having "a lot" of women. I am interested in the one who is bold enough to want to hear the joke and then sees the truth in it. Best Wishes to All
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Have Children?
Yes, sometimes they live at home
Want Children?
No answer
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