Catfish1971 "Companionship / more"
52 year old man from Mt Orab, Ohio      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Catfish1971
Alright Ladies....I am at wits' end....I now I am a great catch, I know I am not ugly, I have a great job....yet I cannot find anyone to talk to me (or meet me for dinner) to save my life....What in the world am I doing wrong?! Please let me know!!!!! Full time employed, but wishing like heck to retire NOW! I promise you, if I ever hit the lottery I would immediately become the worlds' richest beer drinking-catfishing-nomadic lifestyle living man! Of course, there would be more traveling and catfishing than beer drinking, but I would do my part to be sure the local pub stays in business. I am a smoker, but not for long...I'm quitting as I type, so if the words come out frustrated and's the nic-fit! I'm NOT your average guy, I am much more like a mixture of bad- Chuck Norris, flower and poem writin' Canova, "The Dude" from the The Big Lebowski with a little bit of ruff-gruff John Wayne thrown in...which doesn't mean that if I give ya some flowers and write you a poem and you laugh at it, I'm gonna knock out a horse or something! I am not perfect and choose not to be, cause I figure when you stop making mistakes then you stop learning from them. By the way, did I mention I love cooking and tolerate cleaning....JUST KIDDING! I can run a vacuum and dust rag, but HATE doing dishes... I have a great job and enjoy the heck out of it...that's the good news....bad news is that I WILL quit when I hit the lottery (guess I'll be employed for quite some time then). I'm generally outta bed at 5:00, work out, get to work by 6:30 or so, leave work at 4:30 and get home around 5:00 or so, depending on traffic and weather (or the occasional hang out at the bar for a drink). As you can tell, my life is kinda "scheduled", and I do math all day long, so ladies, good luck trying to stiff me on a dutch date...again, I KID! If you're looking for a one-nighter; go elsewhere, I can find that anywhere. I'm not ugly, not Bradd Pitt either, somewhere in the middle, think like a Bill Murray-esque without the pizza complexion. I have tats and both ears pierced, but rarely wear the earrings. Body size is not too bad, most of my weight is in the shoulders and arms, as I used to be big into the weights. Hair is longer now than in my pic also, curly and dark. Hazel eyes (mostly green, but occasionally they are brown or blue, depends on what clothes I'm sportin'). I would prefer someone close to my age on the low side (35 and up would be great), or if you are younger, PLEASE be mature enough to realize that relationships are a two way street with give and take from both ends. I have needs, which include time away with the guys every now and then (no, not at the strip clubs, just having guy time, drinking a few beers and shooting some pool, talking 'bout sports and you, of course), as I am sure you will need "girlie time" also, so I hope you will not allow this to be a problem. I love music of all kinds, but especially Clutch, Gov't Mule, Nickelback, etc...with the occasional Neil Diamond - James Taylor mood swings I have been told, and I agree, that my sense of humor is PROFOUND. If I cannot put a smile on your face, check yer pulse and blood pressure!
Profession: Engineering
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Yes, they live away from home
No answer
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