Ydonicegysfinishlst "Is love just a myth?"
59 year old man from Hollow Rock / Clarksville, Tennessee      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Ydonicegysfinishlst
Good qualities; I am a type of man that Hates to argue,I believe that when 2 people care about each other,they should be able to comunacate with one another WITHOUT argueing. I have NEVER hit a woman nor do I degrade them in any way,I do'nt cuss them, and I try my Best NOT to disrespect them in any way! How can you love or care about someone and then turn around and treat them like ****.Too many people use the word Love without the Complete understanding of the word or the emotions that Should come with the defination of the word Love. I was raised with old fion Values, Yes on a farm in Indiana. That is what I try my best to live by.Yes I was raised by my mom, as a single parrent. I believe that when you make a committment with or to someone that does'nt give you the right to cheat on that person. I Hate a cheater! That is why, I am single to this day. I love to laugh and am a cut up Most all of the time.Yet I know how to be serious when I have to be. I take my work and job Seriously and I love what I do for a living and take pride in it as well. Do I have a temper,sure I do. Everyone does. It comes out when, someone working for me does'nt do what I ask after, I have asked that person several times to do it MY way.My way or the highway,NO exceptions. I tent to be a perfectionist. Only one way to do someting when you are doing it for someone else,Do it the Right way. It will also come out when someone misses with someone I care for ,Love or is my family. Other then that it takes ALOT in order for me to raise my voice,let alone to show a temper. I take pride in myself for being the type of man I am! Very caring,Compionate,Loving,Understanding,Affectionate,Love holding hands,kissing and am NOT affraid to show my affection for someone when I am in the public. Bad qualities,I smoke,chew my nails at times and I work ALOT. Other then that,you'll find out I have very Few bad qualities. I have ALOT of my friends that tell me all of the time that,they wish they were more like me,I just tell them You can be it just takes patientance and time. I know you are probably saying" Yeah Right," Do'nt judge me until you know me. I will do the same for you! I know people like me ARE HARD to find and I take Pride in knowing I am few and far in between. I am like NO other man you have ever met nor will Ever meet in your life! Do'nt doubt what I am telling you until you take the time to see for yourself. I tried my Best to put this in my profile. When most people read it they say bull****. I do'nt care what people think of me and until they take the time to know me,keep your oppions to yourself is what I would tell them. I do'nt judge people,I let them do that for me, I look at how people talk to others,treat others and thier actions in general. I let them juge themselfs for me. People can Always say they are this way or that way,and in the end they will show exactly who and what they are. I take people for thier word and either let them prove me they are right or hang themselves. If there is ANYTHING else you would like to know,please ask me I am Very open and have No problem answering questions.I know what I am looking for and, I will not settle for less. I would rather remain single then to do that.Just like "YOU" know what you are looking for,I exspect you to Not settle for less then what you want in and out of a man. IHope this is what you wanted to know and Hope you write. Sincerely,Kenny
Profession: Furniture Maker/Designer
Physical Appearance
6' 1"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Christian - Other
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