stylesbyremy "In pursuit of happy"
60 year old man from Dartmouth, Massachusetts      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About stylesbyremy
I am someone that believes in fairytales because thats where all the love exist it appears.I am a African American man,the reason for me stating my ethnicity is because I know that we live in a world where a man is still judged by the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.Also because I am new to this site and I have not figure out how to navigate my picture into my profile as of yet(I am working on it).I am certainly interested in posting it as quickly as possible because I believe its only fair for you to see me too since a lot of the initial interest is based on physical attraction. Aside from attraction,I am hopeful of meeting a well balanced woman who although emotional in her make up is caring,kind,jovial who loves to share in a great conversation that last indefinitely into the early morning hours.I love music almost every genre with the exception of heavy metal probably because I love closing my eyes and dancing like no one is looking. I seek someone who loves attention and knows how to reciprocate it.I love to spoil that very special one with constant tokens of my affection.Please love romance,its my middle name.Well,if any of this strikes you like the tip of cupids arrow than its a good chance we have something worth talking about.Lets no wait. Smooches until then! Remy
Profession: Barber/Stylist
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
Black / African descent
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Yes, they live away from home
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