Razujika "Must love dogs"
42 year old woman from Conyers, Georgia      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Razujika
Seriously. I have six, and they go places with me. Not all at once, usually, but I love hiking with them! I also have cats, horses, and a bird, so if you are allergic to animal hair you probably won't enjoy dating me! Fair warning! Things to know about me: I have a slightly pervy sense of humor. It occasionally gets me into trouble at moments when it should be hiding. Stifled giggles don't go over well during business presentations. I'm not a girly girl; it's limiting and inconvenient to try and feed horses when you're dressed in clothes you don't want to get dirty. It's fun to dress up and get all pretty sometimes for an event, but you're far more likely to find me in jeans and a t-shirt. Not to mention that putting on make-up is a mysterious and arcane ritual for which I have no talent. I'm usually sarcastic, but I've learned to confine most of this to my head. I have a temper, but it doesn't last long if you ignore it, and I can't hold a grudge to save my life. I sometimes have silly, semi-manic moods where I want to talk your ear off or go hiking at midnight under a full moon. I have a definite personal space bubble, but once I decide I like you I am cuddly. I like alone time occasionally; I'm not one to hang all over you at all times. I'm smart. I can hold an intelligent conversation about anything...as long as it interests me. If the topic bores me, I'm more likely to glaze over. However, under the right cirstances I can make myself interested in most things. It takes me a little while to make up my mind about people, especially in regards to dating. I prefer to meet someone in person fairly early for this reason. If I don't think we would be good friends then I don't want to waste time trying to date! What I want in you: You must have a brain and be willing to use it! I'm not trying to say that you have to be in some super genius career, obviously that hardly matters, but I'm attracted to guys that think about things in creative ways. If you aren't an open-minded person then we probably won't appeal to one another. I don't really want to date someone who considers their career to be their first priority. There are many more important things in life! However, I personally believe that everyone should perform to the best of their ability at whatever it is they do. If you are a fry cook, a painter, or a neurosurgeon, as long as you take pride in what you do I will also be proud. I like someone who prefers a balance of an active life and a quiet one. I'm physically active myself, and I'd love to have someone that wants to join me because he take his health seriously. Other days, I like to chill out at home an be lazy. It would be nice to have someone for that as well. I'm a physically affectionate person once I'm comfortable with you. I love to give and receive mages and head scratches! I love cuddling and I love pampering people. I want someone who feels the same way. I'm not a very romantic person in the conventional sense, but I totally appreciate thoughtfulness. I am 100% loyal and committed when in a relationship. Cheating is a complete deal breaker for me. I've never had to experience it, and I hope I never will! I believe pretty much any problem in a relationship can be dealt with if both partners really want to succeed. Confidence is my biggest turn-on. Insecurity and jealously beyond more than a mild level are very frustrating to me, especially because there is no need for it where I am concerned. If you are comfortable in your own skin and confident of your self-worth then I will be so into you I will never even notice another guy. Lastly, I want to date someone who doesn't take himself too seriously. Humor makes everything better! There's nothing wrong with acting silly once in awhile.
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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