Queenforaday "Suffering succotash"
63 year old woman from Southern, New Mexico      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Queenforaday
I've decided to change my profile and to use the more applicable "suffering succotash" caption as my introduction. Why? Well because it includes the word "suffering" (more on that later) and because I was just thinking about the day that this phrase finally hit me. Sure, I grew up with it. Who in our generation didn't? But I'll never forget the day when, in a public place, surrounded by people, the true meaning of the phrase finally hit me. (Sadly, this was only about a decade ago). I burst out laughing and people stared, but it was a priceless moment to me. “Why would succotash suffer?” I thought. And “Who would think up such a phrase?” and “This is hilarious and amazing that it is now a part of the American collective consciousness (or unconsciousness).” Anyway, that little convoluted story probably says more about me than anything else I could write, but I'll try to redeem myself. Hi, I’m Alison. I’m an attractive, intelligent, artistic woman with a kind heart and a streak of weirdness. I have many imperfections, but I try my best not to inflict them upon others. I’m sensitive and funny and can be both very extroverted and very introverted, given the situation. I care deeply about animals and the Earth and have spent a good deal of my life wrestling with the “big questions”, i.e. meaning, beauty, God, suffering, the insanity of existing, etc. I’ve dealt with some very hard things in my life and have the scars and depth of character that go with that. (oh, by the way, I've also decided to change my profile because after scanning lots of profiles I'm left wondering where all the f*cked up people go to find love? I mean it's great if most of you really are as healthy and well-adjusted as you sound (really, that's great!) but I'm much more interested in hearing about people's shadow sides - in the Jungian sense of the word.) I’m currently living in New Mexico but want to move. New Mexico is beautiful but I’m really much more of an Easterner or Midwesterner at heart. I’m a total liberal but think that fundamentalism (of all kinds) has been the downfall of humanity. Nevertheless, I am quite opinionated, but love changing and being shown new ways of seeing things. I’m very curious by nature and very tender-hearted, but I also have no problem getting angry when I feel that something is unjust. I’ve spent a lot of time wrestling with my own inner demons and dancing with my own inner angels (sometimes they are the same beings). I love nature and being outdoors, but I'm mostly a real homebody (and gardenbody). I can be a lot of fun to be around, but I also need time alone to rest and remember who I am. I am very affectionate and expressive and honest. I’ve had many “dark nights of the soul” but having someone in my life that I can love and relate to helps me tremendously. Included in my list of mentors, teachers and people I’d like to have dinner with are: Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Whoopie Goldberg, John Lennon, Jesus, Carl Jung, and Deputy Dog (just to name a few). Oh, and I'd love to make love with Nick Drake if he were still alive. p.s. if the "suffering succotash" story doesn't translate, please let me know. It might just be one of those "Alison moments" that would have been better kept to myself. Describing my personality is impossible either way. Thanks.
Profession: therapist
Physical Appearance
5' 4"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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