I am a fun, loving, creative, honest, self-reliant, responsible, kind, attractive, easy going and openminded Lady. I welcome each new day excited to find as many magical & joy filled moments that can be captured in the world around me. My world is without dram*addicts** (my name for those who are addicted to drama). I enjoy lots of laughter, all types of music & musiciams, creative minded people, traveling to new places, meeting new people along the way, oceans, mountains, beautiful architecture, and strange and unusual road or street signs. I am anamazing cook. Cooking is my pion, I love the experience in learning then preparing and tasting new & different types of food from different parts of the world. I am not at all ashamed to be a foody. I enjoy and appreciate really good food. I do not abuse food I Love to juice & eat fresh grown (but a simple In & Out Burger is not out of the question by no means). I follow the Laws of Attraction (Ask, Believe, Receive). I am florescent (lighted from within) I am a spiritual not religious person who is respectful of others beliefs and traditions. I am a Miracle...and I believe in them as well.
Profession: Retired Surgical Technologist