I Love my job, I am a master groomer(pet groomer).What better way to spend my day than around animals. Musically, I enjoy to play, write music most people would EEK from! but hey I love PUNK ROCK.
Tattoos are another interest I have having both my arms almost sleeved completely.( Imagine what looks I get when I go to PTA meetings.)
Stereotyping is something I encounter everyday. Judged by the way I look ( because I have so many tattos)and the music I listen to.
I am hard working single father of 1 and I TAKE care of my business. Other than my appearance,I am for the most part a average dad soccer games, guitar practice,homework ect..
there is a saying I am aware most people have heard of DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Profession: Professional Pet Groomer