nobaggage53132 "Yes. you. can."
51 year old man from Wiggins, Mississippi      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About nobaggage53132
My Beach Pictures are current, and they are me. I took them myself at Pensacola Beach 6/27/13. I know I Look young for 40, but I take care of myself, and I dont drink or smoke. I recently moved to Southern Mississippi to find a sweet woman to merry & I Absolutely Love it Here and Love the people, & would like to plant some sort of family Roots here before I Grow old and Die. I now live in Wiggins, & I Have a Great job in Biloxi near the Base. I am Origionally from Wisconsin, but Im not your typical Northerner... I have Lived in Venice Florida, and the Island of Key West, Florida the past 12 years. I Like the Heat, and I Admire the Southern Lifestyle. I am still on "Island Time"... I am very calm, very private, & shy, simple man. I Like peacefull surroundings and an easy-going Lifestyle. I dont go out at all, & I dont know anybody here. I am Not religious & I prefer 1 on 1 time with the person Im going to meet as opposed to a "group setting"... * I dont like crowds, or being thrust into a spotlight and having to meet 20 people at once.. people keep dooing this to me & it freaks me out. * & Im Sorry I am not into having indoor pets at all. Outside is fine. A Typical Date would be Hiking in the woods, or to a beach. Exploring Indian mounds by the Mississippi, or just cuddeling on the couch and being together. Coming from Florida everyone thinks Im Rich, & the Truth is, for my Age, I am NOT ~monetarily~ RICH, I have Absolutely NO ASSETS, No Savings, & Dont Own Any sort of Businesses, Land, or Property. ***If this is Disappoints you*** - I am NOT your Man. - but what I DO Have to share is my Heart, and my Undivided Attention... Im Hoping to Find Someone on my Level.. It would be GREAT to BUILD a Life together with someone who has similar tastes, simple needs, and similar Outlook on Life, Thankyou for your time, & Be Well Lucas
Profession: Race Car Driver
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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