mississippicuteguy "Looking to meet you soon...the quicker we meet the sooner life begins to return to normal....."
52 year old man from Hattiesburg, Mississippi      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About mississippicuteguy
ok why am i here?because ive been out of the dating thing for awhile and im not having much luck...not because im ugly im not.. im a one girl type guy.looking for a one guy type girl..someone whos relocation friendly...someone whos truely looking to meet their soul mate or something thats foreverish...im not a swinger,a pervert,or wierdo... and im going to try to cover everything you might want to ask about me here ...if possible...i think honesty goes a long way in a relationship..first of all ,im looking for a girl who has a little(kinky)or (Naughty)side....and someone you'd never know was that way if you were to meet them in public.!!!that belongs behind closed doors ,someone who knows her way around her own body!! and is in touch with her own self!!a girl who really enjoys good vibrations!! alone or togather with the help of her man to reach her sexual goal ...i belive in taking my woman to her sexual peeks and beyond ..i think watching her get there and helping her get there first ...is the greatest turn on in the world, she should be someone who knows how to let her hair down once the kids are put to bed and the bedroom door is closed... so if your still reading at this point, awsome......i want so much to meet someone who will make me feel complete again..always alive ..a girl who fits the word wife and all it holds...a girl who has the face of an angel..the heart of a child...and the mind of a naughty school girl...wrap that together with a guy who belives in... and follows his wedding vows..teaches good values to his children..works hard for his wife and family...and puts his wife and children at the top of his list...and youll have a marrige everlasting.... im tired of being alone, being single sucks...im not looking for perfection, just a close match. im looking for someone whos setteled down , (now)....because im the father of two beautiful girls whom i love and have living with me...so the drama and cheating should be a thing of her past..better yet,should never have been a part of her lifestyle...i also miss being a dad to a new born and watching a newborn grow...since im a guy, and i cant have babies and since mine are no longer babies ...im hoping to find a girl who can. someone ready willing, able, to have a child or has a child who needs a good dad to love them as his own....and nuture them and bring them up with good family values..im looking for someone young enough to have children ,but mature enough to understand what having a child is all about,and mature enough to overcome (anything) life may toss out at them,and not give up the first time life gets hard...sure men can help make babies at any age but after a certian point running after ,picking up, staying up all night ,takes its toll on everyone..im not just looking for someone to have a baby with,but just saying it would be a nice plus...so the sooner i find my signif. other the sooner we'll have fun togather each day..because each day we spend looking for each other is one less day we could have had enjoying it togather... so i guess my biological clock is ticking too..id like to find a girl who understands the southern way of life, outdoors,country charm,mobile homes,cookouts,waterparks a good pillow fight...popcorn,flashlights under the covers,building tents with blankets in the living room..maybe a carpet picnic, someone thats not a clean freek but certainly not a slob..someone who helps keep the house clean and the family fed..not a maid..or servant..but a true partner....im not into bugs of any type..and ive never had them any place ive ever lived .if you asked people about me they would tell you,im funny but serious, sometimes a homebody,a great dad,a hard worker. ...i like movies at the theater or at home while cuddeling with each other and the kids......adult flicks at home enjoyed with my signif. other and behind closed doors if thats where our mood has taken us... i enjoy most simple things, swings,waterparks,camping, zoos,beaches,burgerking, pizza , amut parks,auto racing on tv or in person,im not a 24/7 sports junkie but i do watch some sports on tv and in person but only when superbowl or world series is on and then only if i remember...i am good at teaching and playing all sports,but agian not a junkie..rarely do i have the time ....but i will make time for kids..and family(always). i rise early most days before 8 am and sleep early before 12midnight .... because i work hard and value my job..but i do pull an all nighter here and there..i dont drink or use drugs...but im not a stick in the mud..i just dont see the need for it...thats all..i dont do the bar club scene..kids and family come first..so why am i divorced? not because im ugly im not..not because im a mean guy that beat his wife..im not.. i didnt..not because of any sexual disfunction.. everything works on me just wonderful fine..sometimes too good ..no..its because over the last few years of marrige my ex-got envolved in drugs..could not would not stop..i tried everything to help her ..nothing worked..it only got worse..so for the health of my two kids and there well being..i got divorced... i didnt want a divorce...i enjoyed being married...and being a husband.. but it was the only way to put an end to the foolishness and pain ...i really belive in marrige..i want to be married again...but she liked her druggie life too much..so..thats what happened..i tried .. away from this site i do meet girls, and i know im not ugly.....on a date sometimes it seems everything is going fine until i mention i have kids...then.. its like the cold shoulder thing...well the way i see it kids are great and if you have them even better...im a hopless romantic,flowers, bubble baths,candy,back, neck, arm rubs,body rubs, mages..all included..ok so turn ons include...a beautiful wife,a happy family, holding hands, kissing, cuddeling, snuggling, talking,looking up at the stars, wispering in my ear,which will instantly put me in the mood ,flea markets,food /sex, the kinkier the better..public signs of affection...turn offs include...sand or crumbs in the bed, drugs, lazy people, drunks, ..drinking, smoking (if you never/ever plan to quit)unfaithful people,theifs,mean people,guys or girls who dip,whats up with that? cheaters,liers ,totaly stupid people,etc....heres a sample of how i think....and if your wondering why i didnt include a picture of myself...its not because im ugly...im not...its because im trying to weed out the shallow type..because we dont know what life may throw our way...such as........lets say your married to a pretty girl or man... whichever...and then that person gets into an accident and their dragged face down on the pavement for like a million miles under a truck.....and their face is ground off,would you divorce that person or leave them? if they were crippled and in a wheel chair would you not wanna be around them? what would you do?id get my own wheel chair and race them..thats called true love..... now neither of which i am, crippled or ugly ..so dont get that impression ..its just that years from now we will all lose our young appearence..and what will be left will be the inner soul of that person.thats who we will spend the rest of our lives with as we grow old. sure looks are important...dont get me wrong..that goes with the whole love at first sight thing..but knowing as much as possible about a person first... their background, moods,likes dislikes,etc. sure helps you decide when you do see that person for the first time... find what your looking for inside first...what matches you. then look at the outer shell... not all pretty flowers are filled with nectar....some contain poison...thats the reason i chose not to put on a pic...just to weed out the shallow type...so after reading my profile go back re read some of the other guys profiles..even look at their pictures...do they contain substance? or are they just a picture of a guy with no shirt and dark gles? does ther profile speak well of them or is it so generic a first grader could tell you more about them...maybe its a picture of their dog..whats up with that?so i guess if your looking to get away from it all..and find someone to be good to you and your kids..treat you right,do the right things,like spend the money on diapers and bills instead of a system for his car..if he even has a car...so if anything ive said clicks,or makes sense to you... feel free to answer back..also ..if we do talk, understand we all have a past, and im sure were going to talk about our past..thats cool...i encourage speaking about it..it helps us move forward in life....part of my past includes an exwife,and everything ive ever learned in life up until now...including why dogs cant walk on only one leg...huh..go figure...so if your only looking for a guy....to just meet and screw....then move along...im out after so much more.yes, i do swear and cuss at times..i even look at ...id be lieing if i said i didnt ....so, i hope ive found your soft spot....or "g" spot.. .or your dog spot...is he lost again? ...here spot....which ever...any way answer back...if you do ill give you my no. so you can call or my address so you can send a letter...im worth the time..the stamp and the call...really.....write me back..you wont be disapointed..you might be suprised,that a nice guy like me still exsists....and if a pictue means that much to you ill be happy to send one by regular mail or e mail and dont put all your faith in a picture...sometimes the best things in life are the things we cant see..with that said...im looking forward to hearing from you...
Profession: employed/vol firefighter/truck driver
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Want Children?
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