Esymethra "Cake or death??"
45 year old woman from Fostoria, Ohio      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Esymethra
Don't worry, I won't really make you choose cake or death (I'd take the cake if I were you though). Ok, let's see here...some good things about me: I'm very open-minded and ready for new experiences. I love learning new things. My sense of humor is somewhat sarcastic, and yes, I consider that a good thing. :) I consider myself to be intelligent. I don't know everything about everything, but I try to know a little about most things. One of my hobbies is reading (lots of sci-fi and fantasy, although the occasional romance novel has been known to find its way into my library). I also enjoy music (who doesn't?); I'm into a lot of female artists, the more bitter, the better. Not that that's how I am, I just like singers and bands that can express themselves, and if it fits my mood at the time, it allows me to escape through the song. Sometimes I just like to listen to someone else be bitter. Knitting is something I love to do, just not things that are too complicated. I'm an ace at making hats and scarves, but not much more than that just yet. It keeps my hands busy while I'm watching a movie, and it relaxes me. I usually have a couple projects going at once. Actually, I like doing anything that involves keeping my hands working on something, sewing, knitting, basically anything crafty. So now for the not so good - I have some jealousy issues. Not so much in relationships, but in envying things that others have that I don't. It certainly doesn't run my life, but if I see something that someone has that's better than what I have, I wish that I could somehow have it for myself. I have a history of depression that runs in my family and it's affected me as well, but I'm working on that, without anti-depressants, just journaling and talking to someone about what's going on in my life and how I can make it better for myself. As for what I'm looking for in a potential partner, or even a friend...I'm not especially particular. I have ideas in my head of what I want, but I've never known a single person that had all the qualities that I was looking for, so I won't list them. The perfect person is a myth. So I don't keep those in mind really, I like to get to know people and see what makes them tick. Honesty and a good sense of humor are a must, but isn't that what everyone's looking for? Really, there's nothing specific. :)
Profession: management
Physical Appearance
5' 4"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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