sdsddsd "David b."
51 year old man from Sacramento, California      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About sdsddsd
Sometimes I sit back and wonder what it is that makes me different from the other thousands of men and boys on this site looking for whatever it is they are looking for. What I do know, is that its going to be harder then hell to actually find someone at least semi compatible on a website that allows a few pictures and one line sentences to explain who I am and what makes me the man and father that I’ve become. I do know, that during long conversations with ex girl friends and an ex wife, they all have different reason why the relationship didn’t work. I too have reason why my relationships have not worked to this date. I know that I listen to them, every word and I listen to my own reasons and I try to build on that. I try to fix the issues that have caused some to cheat or walk away and I work on the reasons why I decided to stray. Some of the things I’ve learned on the way, make me a better person, make me a loyal guy and allow me to give chances to anyone with an offer of love or friendship. I‘ve learned the importance of holding hands, the importance of long kisses and compliments. And for the friends I’ve made along the way, I’ve learned to listen and give direct and honest opinions. I have learned to accept responsibility and admit when I’m wrong. Most of all I have learned to say “I’m Sorry”. I’ve never been a person to shower someone with gifts. I’m more the type of guy to snatch a flower from the neighbors yard and take off running together. I’m the type of guy that will ask you to run away with me for a few hours or a weekend or respond “yes please”, when propositioned by your sexual advances. Text you “good morning”, everyday and never let a night go by without kissing you goodnight…I mean, uming we are sleeping together. I think on this site and others, people may think that an initial email is backed by a desire to hop in bed or get you to undress on web cams. Believe me, I even question the motives of people who send me first contact emails, just wonder what it was that gave someone a good reason to send me an email. Wondering if it was the picture, the boredom or what I’ve written about myself. But being at the age I am now, comfortable in my own skin, I realize that its better to give a chance to someone who takes a second to send me an email and I try really hard to think that the motives of people are genuine. I do know that if I were to get an email from someone with a not so genuine agenda, I probably wouldn’t like them overall. Getting to know someone on a deeper level is so hard anymore with work getting in the way and two beautiful kids taking up most of dad’s time. I can only hope that taking a second to describe myself as best I can will give someone the open door that we both need to make first contact. Someone who will understand, that I’m trying to speak from the heart and someone who can read between the lines enough to know that I am a genuine and defiantly a different sort of guy with motives of finding new friends and possibly something more. Ok, so now that I feel like I’ve expressed myself on a more deep level then I probably should have, I think it’s now time to show the side of me that is less emotional. You know, the more manly side. (LOL)… I love a person to tell me what she wants, how she likes things and someone who tells me what she needs, I want a dreamer and someone not afraid to be sexually open minded to me, someone by far monogamous and someone not afraid to try new and exciting things without be inhibited by uncomfortable ideas about how I might think. I need someone who has lied and been caught and now realizes the importance of being open and very honest. Someone who wont be afraid to show off a little and someone who can look at me from across the room and completely understand what I’m thinking. Someone who will be HIT on in a restaurant and shut that person down by explaining how you already found the right man and you wouldn't give them the time of day. I want someone who can spontaneously react to a TEXT and come to my apartment on her lunch break. Someone who can pack it up on Friday and head to the ocean for a weekend either alone or with the kids. I know right, Blah Blah Blah, David can express himself on a piece of computer paper, cut and paste with no spelling errors but beyond that, what is he about? I am a jeans and t-shirt kinda guy with an appee for red wine, rum and coke and heavy doses of Smart Water (ever had Smart Water). I love to listen to loud music in my car, in my apartment or a dive bar somewhere in Sac. I love to eat out as much as possible and watch movies from home with that special person. I never mind late nights and don’t mind two hours of sleep and then kicking at work the next day. I drive fast, and spend lots of time on my space and face book talking with old and new friends. I work hard and play less and I look forward to changing that. I am so content with life, family and my career choice. I love to pay rent and keep up with my bills because it gives me an independent mindset. I am a huge Prince fan and listen to his music everyday of my life since I was 8 years old. I like Sade, Metallica and Rage Against The Machine or anyone who is a real and genuine artist or band. I like listening to 80’s and 90’s cuz it makes me feel younger. OK, so now, have you read all this? Am I blabbing incoherently with a bunch of hopes of some goddess like woman to swoop in and save me from my boredom….Not so fast… I never have expected perfection in the mind or the body, god knows, I’m far from perfect. But, what I do want is someone who has tried and failed, someone who has made mistakes but wants the chance at a clean slate. Someone who can understand that there are people in life that want to a make a new future and only worry about past issues that have shaped them into the person they have become. Someone who knows the minds of men and woman are to different beasts and each need to handled in manners that are aggressive in some areas and pive in others. A nonjudgmental person is the idea, someone who accepts my faults and clings to my specialties. I believe that I am genuine and would expect the new people in my life to be the same. The dreaded compeion factor…This is the idea I have about dating sites that hundreds or thousands of men will email females that they want to chat with, want to sleep with or want to see on camera. They email girls way above what they would normally “hook up with” and they email girls they would only want to sleep with and then bail. To me, this gives false impressions of what a “normal guy” might want to learn about meeting new people or friends. So, my point is, I have always hated the compeion factor someone has to have in order to email girls by the hundreds hoping that one might respond with interest. I believe that If I speak from the heart someone, somewhere will read my profile and think that I might be a guy that they would want talk to on a friendship basis or something more. So I can only hope that you have read all this, you have an opinion on what I’ve said and you are a good ice-breaker….Or, you suck at breaking the ice but you want to email and just say HI. I probably wont email you with any on liners saying how “HOT”, I think you are. And, I will never email you because I want to Date you or Sleep with you…If you get an email from me I will have read your profile, commented on it or tried to say something funny or amusing… Did you read all this? Email me and say hi, please don’t read this and make my efforts go unnoticed. thanks for taking a minute...or hour to read my profile.
Profession: Investigator
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Yes, they live at home
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