chet15022 "Good guy seeking"
55 year old man from Charleroi, Pennsylvania      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About chet15022
im chet 45 with no kids (though i wish i had kids) im very good with them , i helped raise two wonderful little girls for 11 yrs. so I honestly would view children as a divine blessing really I would have no problems becoming a caring stable part of kids lives . ive been single now 18 mths and i dont like it,i have a rather ahhhhh....well I have a (past) that is most likely somewhat wilder than most nothing too bad and i openly share this in complete honesty and have no problems with sharing (as it's only right to do so) I hide nothing nor do i want things hidden from me (im telling ya) open honest complete communication (its the master key) im far from some bible thumper but God (Father Son Holy Spirit) is without any doubt in my life Spirituality is important to me id surely like to be with a "Believer" (Which is pretty hard to find mention of this in peoples write=ups) hoping to find someone with the same relationship with God that i have (again) im not a bible thumper but im a believer who does practice Christianity to best of my ability most of the time and doing better with this as time goes on building me into the type of man He wants me to be which in turn im pretty sure would build me into the man "you" would want me to be its working for me n working well . im humble enough realize and to admit that i actually "Need" a strong loving woman at my side to love and to be loved by her (this goes with a family if she has one) i want a relationship and not just any relationship but an exceptional relationship I was born n raised having parents that had this (being literelly just so much into each other they were "one" I'm kidding i highly believe this this can be achieved its not something u see all that often and I want this u get two people into each other totally and both wanting this (and u can have it) and in doing this the family is the number one thing as a "Unit" im about complete, open, honest communication and as long as its done openly n honestly then u have the foundation of a relationship that will thrive and continue to do so being everlasting so long as the honest communication is there and both continue n desire to keep it "communicating" with one another as well as kids too (this is crazy to me the fact that "most" people don't communicate in the fullest for this brings about amazing results to any n all relationship) here's something even more crazy we're (people) are suppose to be the most intelligent life form and have such an "easy" means of communicating (yet) the animals (think about this) the animals communicate in such a better way than we do..... this baffles me... c'mon people start talking honesty with one another im a very good caring loving ,man with a heart bigger than the state of texas I kid ya not im seeking good positive honest companionship and wanting to see where things could lead. PLEASE excuse this grammatical (night mare) im just too lazy to use periods n commas an all that good proper stuff lol
Profession: student
Physical Appearance
5' 5"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
Your History With chet15022