MamalovesMia "Looking for love for all the right reasons"
44 year old woman from Amarillo, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About MamalovesMia
We have made our mistakes in life and we should all be able to pick ourselves back up and not look back. Well I am not perfect. And I feel like maybe one of my mistakes was thinking that we need someone to survive. I know this is going to sound funny to all who see this but I have realized that I want a friend. Someone who will get to know me for me first and then see where things go from there. Every woman should have someone to love her but she should also have a best friend who she can confide her deepest and darkest secrets to and know he wont jude her. My friend says I have the biggest smile. I enjoy life and living life. I am a hopeless romantic at heart and I have all the faith in the world that even though we go through life falling in and out of love, there is that one person who was made just for me! I want to be held close. I want someone to gaze into my eyes and tell me how much they want me and need me! because chances are i want and need them just as much!
Profession: insurance agent
Physical Appearance
5' 2"
Body type
A few extra pounds
Latino / Hispanic
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Yes, they live at home
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