Jellynotjam "You checking me out?! ;)"
45 year old man from Hull, England      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Jellynotjam
Latest update...20th November Started my journey in Gerona and I am heading down the coast before going in-land to Granada and Madrid..then perhaps the north coast too. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- update...6th November 2013 Well...What's to say? Spain is way more than i thought it was going to be and even though I have been in Barca only a couple of days...I may get barca tattooed over my entire back! Hihihi If there is anyone in barca reading this..mail me and perhaps we could say hello in person and then devour some delicious tapas while we chat. I may head to the beach tomorrow..but come on now..don't criticize's been 2 days and I haven' been anywhere near one yet! Maybe i'll find out if i still have a problem sunbathing..I mean how on earth is it possible to just lay there!Hihihi ============================================== Update...26th of October 2013 Hola todo el mundo :-) El mes que viene voy a viajar en espa�a y me gustar�a mucho conocer amigos nuevos para aprender mucho m�s sobre la lengua y la gente de espa�a. Estar� en Girona del primero de noviembre!:-) M�ndame un mensaje si quieras charlar conmigo.. Hasta luego ............................................................ .................... ............................................................ .................... Well.. hello folks... hope all is well with you. I'm looking for a relationship / romance with an attractive funny woman who is within 10 years ,either side, of my youthful 34, & preferably living in Hull. Although the latter is negotiable, especially if you have a private jet or helicopter to pick me up! ;) Oh.. & a great smile always helps. I don't know what makes a smile so appealing so you'll have to continue practicing your best one in front of the mirror. lol I'm a broad-minded honest & caring guy, some say handsome & stylish, but others just roar with laughter when I say that..... Photos taken September 2102.... that's right baby, I'm from the future, here to save ya from yourself! or perhaps I'll just buy a couple of winning lotto tickets, after I have created world peace! But that will only happen if you're out when I arrive. So ....u wanna meet me or save the world? ;) lol
Profession: Retail
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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