Hi...Good day lads!I'm a smart sort of lady, who likes nothing more than Movies with my man.The first thing people usually notice about me is my intelligent personality. I am not one of those fake people who pretends not to notice their own qualities. My eyes are top notch. These gems of honesty are just part of the smart person I am.This allows me to exercise my skills which are carving and drawing.but it's important to me that you know I'm honest, so I'll save the wilder parts of my life for another time.If you're the right man for me, you'll be hopeful and down to earth. You won't be afraid to meet my parents and will have a healthy respect for relationship.Honesty and openness are the most important qualities in a relationship. I will be honest with you, if you will be honest with me. I will never hit on your best friend whilst you're visiting a sick relative, never text my ex behind your back while you're asleep. That's just the kind of lady I am.May the force be with you.I urge you, get in touch
Profession: pastries