HighFive "Take a shot in the dark"
39 year old man from Santa Monica, California      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About HighFive
I guess I would call myself shy around the ladies but it doesn't last all that long if you show some playful interest, other then that I'm a very outgoing person always willing to try new things like Riping it up on the mountain snowboarding getting some air off the 15' jumps, so yeah i went off one of the 15' jumps and ate it hard haha :-X I have some battle wounds on my back to prove it, FUN TIMES! I'm down to go any time!!!, Singing-in the car the shower @ work and just about anywhere 13 years experience, Music-yup. I never go anywhere without some tunes in my ear...it moves me, Art-I went to A.I. of LA and now I use my skill to draw on napkins at midnight in restaurants, Baseball-if I can ever find a team to play with, Basketball-I play @ the elementary school I went to up the street from my place (Go Lions!), Swimming-in pools, lakes, and the ocean, Camping-along the PCH at a few places scattered along the coast, Yellowstone National Park, Joshua Tree National Park, Malibu Creek St. Park, Catalina Island, and Backpacking in the wilderness, Hiking-Around the LA, PCH, Malibu area ,Rock Climbing-done it twice and I love the feeling of conquering a mountain/cliff the hardest way possible, Bowling-always bowl with a beer in hand!, Cars-Love em...Race em..Drift em...hell yeah!, Running- the LA marathon, Fitness-it's all around a good thing, Boating-grew up on the ocean. My father was a ship captain and I know allot about boats and how to use them, sailing & power boating, Guitar-Learning the basics, Acting-A foo, Religion-I have my Views... , Critical Thinking-always a good thing, Spirituality-find your center. "ooohhhmmmmm", Psychology-finding out why I do what I do....I'm really interested in learning just about anything & everything that I can get my hands on or wrap my brain around. OK so I guess thats me... or pieces of me and stuff I love, there is so much more, If you did read it all you are already getting to know me now... ---->
Profession: USN Quartermaster
Physical Appearance
6' 5"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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