I guess this is where I'm supposed to go on and on about how awesome I am and how I love the outdoors. Here's a dose of reality: no one is going to tell you they love sitting on their in the house. Truth is that I do during the cold, rainy, miserable months of Oregon winters. On the other hand, during summer, I am all about the water and being in the sunshine. Now, instead of telling you that I'm caring, giving, funny, independent, and fantastic, I should tell you that I'm very sarcastic, loud, and brutally honest and some people just cant take it. I also like stupid reality shows, my house isn't always clean, I curse like a sailor, I have no filter, I'm not what you would consider skinny, and I like booze a lot. If you think you can handle me, let me know. I'm down to talk...
I usually go for tall guys with some meat on their bones, tattoos, flat billed hats, a sense of humor, and the ability to drink the way I can :)
Profession: student and sales associate