Hekura "Hi..."
63 year old man from Pueblo, Colorado      Looking for relationship Last seen within the last two weeks
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About Hekura
Ok…so here’s the deal. At my age, I’ve realized that a peaceful personal life is a function of what I feel I can navigate comfortably, and projects that either add some value to my situation, or entertain and challenge me in some way…ideally, both. I have a Spaniel/Border Collie side-kick named Max, who is essentially my boss, now. Max accompanies me everywhere, and at home he has a girlfriend we’ve been watching over for a few months, now…Precious. I live in a forest/lawn/small-city property, so there’s plenty of room to enjoy the sunshine, my meticulous yard-work, and prance around with the puppies (to be fair, the puppies do most of the prancing, but they make me play too). This is how life goes, for now…I guess I’ve gone to the dogs (grin). My life with Max and Precious is super comfy and fun, and to be fair, Max struggles to talk to me any time he needs something…but I’m beginning to long for the emotional/physical/intellectual challenge a woman brings. I have women friends who provide me with hours of lively discussion…maybe not to the depth I would wish…but they are safe in their individual worlds, and I am an interesting person to know. I can appreciate a woman’s perspective of their challenges, and I am amazed at how problems get solved simply by articulating it to a third party. I do things it would be awesome to have a co-conspirator to plan, like a fabulous meal a couple times a week. I get to explore online shopping, put together a million calorie a bite entrée, and share it with the puppies a day or so later (Beuf Stroganoff was the latest). This is what I do, today (dishes). As it relates to what I am capable of, well, I suspect anything. I have been and done a million-gillion things. Have I ever got a story for YOU…but seriously…I feel better only being responsible for my small world, right now. I realize that when there’s a woman who captures my attention, and shares her view joyfully, regardless of what I might think…my life will begin to change. I suppose I could regale you with my daily routine of hiking 10 kilometers to the airfield, so I can do my breakfast sky-diving…but the truth is, even though I could maybe be talked into jumping out of a plane again, I don’t think about that stuff. I could make a hike happen, but that would likely be something I would do to spend time with you. I expect that my life will be entirely different, once I have begun to learn about the other. I also have no expectations about who I would be with…you see, you will be in your world, seeing only men defined by their history or self-identity…until you discover a man who appreciates potential over identity. That man you could maybe forge an entirely new path with…you think? He might not be “cut”, but he could be convinced to work towards that, brilliant, no? There are so many dimensions to life…I look forward to re-defining them all. I’ve also reached a point in life where I waste little time paying attention to political drama, social media, network television, etc. People being just people, is a fascinating study in and of itself. Hmmm…well I guess I buzz-killed all of the “I’m Superman” rhetoric. I’m just a regular guy, until you get to know the secret stuff…but I can form a sentence, I have some skills, and I expect to discover the next castle I will build.
Profession: Retired
Physical Appearance
6' 1"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Want Children?
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