ctpm "Life is short; live hard!!"
57 year old man from Monongahela, Pennsylvania      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About ctpm
* I take every opportunity to help or assist people which presents itself to me, as I rather enjoy the feeling I get when strangers realize that there are still many people remaining in the world who care about humanity in general, and who would do something for another while not expecting anything in return, short of seeing them smile. * I find the rose in the thorn bush, which is to say I see the plus side, up side, good side, cool side and redeemable side of anything and everything in life. * Some things in life we cannot make preparations for. * I fear nothing, and I Love life and the incredible diversity of different types of experiences and personalities we encounter along the way. * We can only enjoy others, if we see them for who they are, and accept people not only for what and who they are, but equally as important, accept them for who and what they are not. * I LOVE the stars, meteor showers, and all things related to space, far away places, up to and including a belief in the existence of extraterrestrials and other life forms from places other than the ones we know and are familiar with. * I do not claim to be typical, standard issue, normal, plain or conformist in any way, and I am none of these * I have a first name which you've likely never heard before in your entire life, regardless of your age There are more scammers, ***holes, idiots and morons on here than we all know what to do with, so if you're one of them, continue on to someone who is unable to sniff out and identify that you are likely a fat dude in your underwear sitting at a desk drinking a beer, as you misrepresent everything you falsely project and put out with your keyboard which you use as a means of potential income, garnered from people stupid enough to fall for your easily detected tricks, lies, games, cons and attempts at theft for personal gain..........
Profession: Cat Burglar
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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