I'm a pretty open book that doesn't have much of a filter so ask and ill share.. even if I probably shouldn't. Here's a few little important traits one should know tho: can seem mysterious, very intuitive/strong instincts, forever loyal. I will take ur secrets to my grave, can be jealous/insecure, an overthinker, can spot a lie before u even think of it, very sarcastic, kinda dark sense of humor, spiritual but not religious (doesn't bother me if you are), I love big but can hate big too, intelligent and intellectual, love to learn, open minded, can seem shy at first but am probably just an observing my surroundings, pretty quiet most the time, a deep thinker, reliable, empathetic, stubborn, passionate, sweet, very forgiving and understanding, patient, not a fighter but will fight to the death for my boys (have 3).. that should give u pretty good idea of who I am.. hope it doesn't scare u away 😘
Profession: Currently a mom but will be attending school to get my psychiatric nursing degree.