excellium "Take a chance on me"
67 year old man from Looe, England      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About excellium
Firstly I am very black and white. Its the job, so bear with me. I am a Counsellor so firstly you get someone very genuine and accepting and a very good listener. My top holiday is Cornwall!! Surprised? Well I have been coming down here since I was 13 and now I am 55 and I love it. I am looking to moving down here permanently but jobs for Counsellors are few and far between down here but I have a cozy little place on top of Polperro and I spend 3 months a year or more down here. I do like Greece as well and have had a few holidays on the quieter islands. I like nothing more than walking the coastal paths with my two year old Black Labrador called Barney and being at one with nature. I dont want to tell you to much because I dont want you to judge me to much. That can come on a no strings attached date. I have noticed that a lot of you girls avoid me because once I tell people I am a counsellor, they run a mile because they think I am going to yse them. It does not work like that with me in personal relationships. Firstly I want a friend. if we hit it off then maybe more can come from it. I have seen and heard all the ideal first dates. All I want is to meet somewhere the other person feels comfortable and safe. There are a lot of men out there just wanting one thing. I can ure you I am not like that. So, an ideal first date for me is the above and preferably quiet enough that we can have a chat and get to know about each other. If nothing comes from it then we can walk away with no pressure. I for one will know, and I am sure you will know if there is going to be a second date. I am a realist, I see things as they are and I will say so. I dont suffer fools. However I am extremely loyal, protective, loving and tactile. Yes I love a cuddle and those little touches. I am an old fashioned romantic and I can be very spontaneous with the right person and come up with the most unusual surprises, but I wont embarr anyone in public. Agh! so now you want to read more. Tough. You will have to meet me to find out the rest.
Profession: Counsellor/Tutor
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
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