LonghornSWD "Morals and values."
42 year old man from Denver, Colorado      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About LonghornSWD
Let’s see I moved here about a year and a half ago from Flagstaff, Arizona. Colorado is a beautiful state but it can’t match Arizona, just my opinion. I enjoy the obvious things: movies, music, and the outdoors. I like a wide variety of music but I mainly listen to older country music. I’ve worked in the construction industry is a framer since I was 17. I grew up on a ranch about 40 miles outside of northern Arizona. That is the lifestyle that I prefer although the nightlife of the big city can be fun on occasion. My belief and faith is in God. I am a very honest and loyal person. My views on life and politics are more on the conservative side. I really enjoy conversation whether that is politics, current events, or anything that you have a strong belief in. I am 30 years old and due to the economy and my field of work and other cirstances in my life I am not in the greatest position right now. With that being said, I would like to find someone that wants to take it slow. What that means to me is someone that I can have a loyal and honest friendship with; obviously with the idea of it becoming a long-lasting relationship, that’s why we’re in here right? I would consider myself more old-fashioned. You’ll never catch me in shorts or sandals unless I’m going to the beach, on a boat, or at the pool. I’m not interested in having long drawn out conversations by texting. I’m not much into social networking (Facebook, MySpace etc.). I enjoy getting out of the city and exploring new areas. I enjoy fishing and just being out of the city and away from people. I do enjoy the nightlife on occasion. I enjoy all kinds of venues whether it is a country bar, a hole in the wall, or a nightclub. I don’t smoke but I do chew tobacco. I enjoy target shooting and watching boxing other than that I’m not a sports fan. Ideally I would like to meet someone that has a realistic expectation in life and is down to earth. Someone that is not seeking a Knight in shining armor considering that doesn’t exist. I’m not in here to play games or to appear as if I’m something I’m not. Truthfully I don’t have high expectations for this dating online process especially from what I have read so far. It seems as if people are not interested in having long-lasting, fulfilling relationships anymore. I’m not interested in meeting as many people as I can. Mainly I am looking for someone that is levelheaded and has some m values. Someone that has beliefs and thoughts that is important to them even if we somewhat disagree. I’m not the kind of person that needs a lot of people around me and a lot of friends. I’m not desperate but I would like to be in a relationship with someone. Although I have no children of my own I am not opposed to dating someone that does. I am not a needy person that expects all of your time.
Profession: Construction/framing
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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