looking4real_love "English guy here"
53 year old man from Belfast, Northern Ireland      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About looking4real_love
im a 41 year old man ( i am saying im 21 as old age dont mean anything to me) looking for a honest caring family minded young woman who wants a nice and genuine guy to get to know have fun with and maybe enjoy life together , i would like to settle down but im not into playing the field to find my soulmate that was a long time ago and never worked anyway ..but if you like to see who i am and see where life goes then contact me ...dont p a decent old fashioned guy who knows how a woman is meant to be treated ... put it this way i was hated by the girls at school funny enough so i thought , but many wished they had me now ... so why not be the luckiest gal and catch me ..you be so glad you did ... and im honest in what i say .. oh and another point i dont go for looks i find that so pathetic that you have to be judged before you worth it ..i wouldnt do that with anyone ... one turn off for me is ignorance i hate when you mail and you not given any reply ..i find that beyond dissapointing sorry to throw my insights but i like to show im very open in what i say and i say how it is ... but i compliment as well if i have a very long term girlfriend from this then she will be glad she has me , i dont care if you have children cause i would love kids one day i have since i was 16 wanted a family ... be a real dad and show what i have been taught , i dont have any brothers or sisters so i dont know what thats like , have cousins who sadly think it better without me ... so ive found out ..20 years not seeing them not knowing how they are and bam on fb and you mail them one mail and then nothing ..thats real depressing... i respect families and want to show any gals family i am her number one and a laugh to know... i have only been in belfast since 2007 , i have come to love this city .. i have found the people warm and friendly and great to know ... now i want a lovely caring family orinated gal in my life whos not afraid of showing love and wants someone different ..im from england and was raised in london and still have that london accent ..i love music but not todays music well the odd one but im more old type 60s /70s but i am into rock/metal too ... i love animals too ... interested??? get in touch and hope to hear from you.. thanks for reading :) oh and my photo its my hobby ... hope that be ok with you ...ive had a lot of exs who said it was and lied to me .. i dont want anyone who doesnt respect who i am , what i do , and what i am into ..i dont change anyone to suit me i would want the same girl i met and would fall for and one other point im a romantic caring soul who has been hurt due to bad choices and pushed around a lot and changed to suit and i dont want anyone like that ..im very unattractive be aware of this ... i do get sick of hearing oh you not my type ... i wouldnt say that to anyone i take you as you are and always would ... even if we woke up together in a relationship i wouldnt change id be the same guy you have ... thats who me is why would i be different ... gave up smoking 2 years ago and still counting (april 2012) .. my vice is chocolate love it ...lol... i am close to my parents being im the only child ..i want them to see ive ended up happy and maybe married to a real princess eventually ..i think all women are princesses but only one would be my queen and my eyes always with her and my belonging with ... no girls if i am with you then it stays that way im owned spoken for your property call it what you like .. but i am not for cheating ...man can be so demeaning on you women ..well this one isnt ..i hate those who cheat ... i would only be a one guy for one woman ...you ... and thats the truth ..my parents gave me ms ..and i stand by them always xx i hope to hear from you xx oh please note i am not in a posion to provide money or anything that will cause me to be fooled ... i am not on for any of that , if you want to be the type of woman whi wants to involve lawyers of any kind to get money in a account cause you have sad events in your life i am not on for that whatsoever ... i am sorry but thats like a scam, and thats a internet fraudant offence in any country ... so if you are not that type then i am open to knowing u ..but i am not here to play around , i am here genuninely to make a future and be settled down ... i cant make this point any clearer ... if you have come into money then good luck to you ..its nothing to do with me i dont care for money anyway it dont buy everything anyways and you cant take it with you but what you can take is me into your heart and life i am worth any price and any gold ... i am also not looking for marriage for a green card on both sides thats a little desperste in my book and its also very sad to use marriage to get into a country ..if i approach a woman outside uk (and i have) its because i am interested in that woman not the country she is in ... id like thae from the woman too .... i know its rare to find a decent caring honest woman out there but i know she is out there ...i am not on for a one night stand either or for sex for kicks ...thats not my thing and you may as well know while you read this im very inexperienced in that department ..why?? the bad choices i made with relationships ..its like they didnt want me to be physical with them ..and yet they wanted a relationship ..i tell you now i am into a reationship that has love in it both emotional and physical ... i would be a one woman guy so ..what you waiting for ... if i have interested you in all this then dont waste another moment ..im waiting to hear from you ... love and hugz xx update : even though i have been on a few days to a week , somethings have cropped up in my chats with you girls i would like to mention on my pro that may interest or deinterest you .. i am into the paranormal and unknown and unexplained stuff ..i loved the xfiles when it was on and it got me interested .. i have also a spritual side i can sense the spirits if intuned enough its been a gift from the age of 4 so i am being upfront here i am not for revealing details unless i really feel comfortable explaining to you ... if i do it means i do more than like you ..and trust you ... that i hope is a good thing to happen in your eyes ... oh and for a further point i condone any violence between people in a relationship , i maybe a gentle soul but i am not a push over either i can be too soft at times but i dont want to be with anyone who would give me a false sense of security and is violent towards men cause they feel the need to dish out what they had previously , if a relationship didnt work out i am truly sorry but i am not that man or never like that what men are towards women ... to be honest its kind of embarrasing men are so evil ... but i am not .. but i have had punishments to the effect of what men have done and dont want to have that again ever ... i want to make this point very clear .. any man who strikes a woman is a coward anyway in my eyes ... moving on ... part of my history of my life ..wow its like a real bio this but anyways part of my history is i have worked for 12 years in crowd control security at a very famous venue and many high profile events ..but i wouldnt call hanging around with aerosmith or the foo fighters worth mentioning or face to face with bjork at a u2 zooropa gig at wembley stadium any segnificance ... but its all very true ... i worked for showsec international .. have some very crazy stories .. even one at glastonbury where 2 normal punters came into our tent to hang out only we didnt know until they let on ..and we chased them half cut down the field ... looking back it was high jinx you had to be there to find it funny ... ive met some great people and many famous people ..but to me they was clients and no i didnt ask for autographs sackable offence im afraid ... but i have much memoribilia to show for it ... including the history michael jackson tour laminates .. and no i wouldnt part with them for all the tea in china ...
Profession: former security officer / now carer
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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