Pretty_Good_Name "Looking for someone with a dark sense of humour..."
50 year old man from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Pretty_Good_Name
I could go ahead and say that its always tough to write about ourselves, but seriously, we all have done this before... well, ok, *I've* done this before. I thought about trying to think of something witty to put on here like " I just wanted to find some free online shingles and they are asking me like a million questions about my romance life, gawd I just want to fix my roof for cheap!" but then again, that might sound hokey or maybe even phoney... so I won't do that, maybe instead I will say something romantic like " my heart is bound to a journey of epic proportions, venturing into the shimmering waters of your affections, searching for that elusive and beautiful thing that is your true and magnificent spirit" but then again that kinda sounds like I am a line spewing creep... so maybe what I will do Is just write about what I thought of writing about , I mean, In a worst case scenario I am just going to look like a loser and that might not matter too much (you know, cause no body I know is going to read this thing anyway) Wait, what if someone I DO KNOW reads this?!? ok, well then I guess I am going to need a contingency plan then... here it is, I would like to go on record as saying that this is merely a social experiment and in no way am I really looking to meet anyone for a date, so if you know me in person please disregard this profile now and discontinue reading right here. (ok, now that the people that really know me are gone, please, please, please message me!!! I am so desperate!!! :D) Anyway that is my dorky profile essay I hope that if nothing else it was good for a bit of a chuckle and if you haven't been totally put off by my ranting feel free to drop me a line... I should prolly spell check this now. Oh, and by the way, my name is Mark. :D *** really?!? Prolly is NOT a word? *** hmmf.
Profession: Production
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Have Children?
Yes, sometimes they live at home
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