Natethegreat22 "* * dazed, confused, and spinning * *"
38 year old man from Columbus, Ohio      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About Natethegreat22
I Suffer From [[Nerdism]] :) I love art, Any type of [[art]] and I [[love]] to dwindle myself into it and lose all sense of reality. I'm a [[Jedi]] Of sorts, master of creativity if you must say. I'm a modern [[nerd]]/[[geek]] with idealistic views. My goal in life is to understand the values and meanings of peoples thoughts and personalities and to reflect my aesthetics to mimic the good in every one I have ever met. I'm a listener and I take everything in before I give my thoughts. Doesn't mean I'm quiet, no I'm actually quite the opposite when I want to be. I'm just saying I love having amazing conversations and if someone is putting their effort in communicating with me then I want to put forth my best effort to pay attention and answer with as much intellect as they have put forth. Ironically I'm a horrible talker. I never can articulate my words from my thoughts or vice versa rather. I mean I can convey what I say rather well, but usually when something vital needs to be said I'm probably the worst person to ever be able to convey that message correctly. I love interaction and romance. I love, well I guess love and the cheesy stuff. It's kinda odd actually Id rather spend time with someone then receive a gift or just go out and have fun together, explore the world instead of being inside. I do though love my relax time, sleeping in on a weekend and laying back enjoying myself. Though it's taking me forever to get there, I'm very pionate about my goals and dreams. I was vegetarian for over a year, went vegan and now I'm back to being a vegetarian. I secretly want to be Indiana Jones and my major for a while was anthropology with a focus on Mayans and their culture. I do have tattoos and holes in my ears. I also tend to make horrible/amazing nerdy jokes. Music is another key roll in my life, anything That involves music is grand which includes : listening, making, and learning. I like music that is inspirational or that involves talent to create it. That can range from rock, Hip-Hop, Jazz, to even Electro. I guess you can say I'm an audiophile because I tend to always be listening to music. K thanks. For a full list of the ridiculous amounts of music I listen to go to "Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives, I have come to believe that in between these two extremes is peace." AIM: natedawg3086 face
Profession: Student
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
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Latino / Hispanic
Marital Status
Never married
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