a_brand_new_life "Looking for someone real and new"
59 year old woman from Galion, Ohio      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About a_brand_new_life
Hi, my name is Shirley. I am 43 years old and just recently divorced. I have four children ages 23, 21, 17, 9. I am looking for my soul mate, I am 5' 7 125lbs and have deep green eyes that change just like the weather. I have Cherokee and Irish and of course an American Woman in me. . I am looking for a man who will take away my breath and give it back to me all at the same time. Yes this is possible. A CHALLENGE huh?.The perfect man that doesn't have to be perfect.The one who will love me for me and me for him only. A man that can be a REAL MAN be STRONG and not be afraid to show me his weakness. In my eyes your not a REAL MAN unless you can show your sensitive side not afraid to ask me for help and allowed to cry if need be. He will have to be BRAVE a warrior in fact. My heart will be hard to tame. A warrior who will rescue me if and when I fall. Strong shoulders to lean and cry on and who could look in my eyes and see me and only me,the good and bad me THE REAL ME. Someone who is not afraid to look deep inside and know that his heart belongs to me and I would cherish and adore him for all his life. I am a very pionate woman and he would have to be the same,That I could not compromise. I live for Romance and Pion. Asking to much? I don't think so I am only doing this one time and one time only. When I give my heart to someone this time it will be forever,Or I'll never give my heart. I am not materialistic but I do like nice things. Bare feet or 4-6 inch heels which ever you prefer.Leather or lace or laid back with jeans and a t-shirt.Your probably asking yourself what makes her so special that she can demand this in a man. I know what I want and I will wait as long as it takes I am not a selfish person and I believe that when you can love as deep as me then I am worth it. I am a firm believer in if things are meant to be it will happen. NO RUSHING. So if your out there I will know you when I see you. I know that my SOUL MATE is out there somewhere and my heart will answer him when he says HELLO. No womanizers,perverts or just plain full of themselves men need not apply. I am talking this thing is SERIOUS. WHEN IT IS ABOUT MY HEART YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR WAY. I will never allow it to be broken. Remember It is mine and I don't have to give it to anyone but I am so ready to let LOVE LEAD ME in the right direction. Are you that REAL MAN? Thanks for your time, Always, Shirley
Profession: Stay at home mom, in-home caregiver
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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