Fl0z "Live as if either you can't die, or you already have. dream as always, care as needed, respect for ever, and love for free................................................... -me toronto, peterborough, & lindsay"
41 year old man from Toronto, Ontario      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Fl0z
Now apparently... I'm what all of you wonderful internet people are looking for. Let's make it happen. Action movies speak louder than doentaries. I am here to love, and be loved. And beloved, am I to love here? And here I am love, to be loved. Love and loved, I am here to be. I loved love, and am to be here. I love to be here, and am loved. Be loved love, and I to am here. I love here, and loved am to be. Love, and here I am to be loved. And I am love, to be loved here. -Me... just now. uh... 23/12/07, 12:26pm I got a little carried away writing that... perhaps that could give you a taste of the pion imbedded in my nature. I want the one and only I think... I'm really laid back in terms of jealousy and ownership... that's just not me. I'm there with someone because I really continually want them. Never because I have to be. Regardless if I actually have to be or not, it's all about moving as a team. symbiosis. That doesn't mean I'm really clingy and I am going to be around you 24/7. It means I'm putting you very high on my priorities list. I'm not going to hang off of you and fall over when you do, I'm going to dive under you & take the hit cause I'm looking out for you. Because I know that your wellbeing is a part of mine. This is my thought on what I want, and how I treat the person/people I am in love with. I am an open book, good thing it's an unfinished log, otherwise you'd be defacing it if you wrote in it. I believe that every opinion must be either justified somehow, or that person is lying. I like bottlecaps because when they sparkle in the dirt they give you a retrospectfully comical false hope that you're about to pick up a coin. I jump off of really high stuff just to see if I can either land it, or keep flying. I work hard. I play harder because that makes work seem easier. I fall in love with whatever I'm doing, even mopping... no, especially mopping. I once built a non-profit organizaton from scratch. I had my own magazine for a while (which I also built). I have had 21 near death/almost crippling experiences, most of them with vehicles... I was only driving one of them. I now only fear singing in front of an audience. I am generally vegitarian, but that is not because I feel that animals have more right to live than us. It is because I generally disagree with and have distrust for the meat industry. If I were to kill it, I may eat it because I have very little consideration for insects (though I find them completely fascinating). Also because I have a hard time consciously creating waste. I once owned an ant farm (and shook it upside down). I think children are the greatest thing ever. I want some for sure, but not quite yet. My goals sound impossible, but I am making them happen anyway. I WOULD kill for the right reasons because I do not believe in good or evil and only a difference in perspective. I think it's arbitrary to either believe in God or not, it's the same machine with a different explanation for how it all happened. "Now what are you going to do about it?" The religion I closest resemble in mindset is christianity... but only because I believe in their amazing themes and workings for cultural and social group dynamics, not because they, or anyone can be omnipotently "right". I feel that if I write more, then it will begin to take away from the exploration part of meeting someone. I play music and dance with my spare time. I haven't fought in a long time, and I've ground to a halt pretty much all drugs/smoking/alcohol... not to say that I don't have a beer ever, but it has become more efficient for my body to work without these things interrupting it all the time. I am dangerous the way hamsters are. They run the risk of biting someone sooner or later, and if I escape I'll crawl around in your vents for a couple of months and either find my way back to my little house made out of toilet paper rolls, or die somewhere in the bat underneath a bookshelf, and you really won't want to move the bookshelf, or touch me, but I smell so bad it'll be worth the cleaning, and then once the terror is done, you'll feel much better about the state of your bat, and maybe, some day.... get another hamster. "I can put my arm back on. You can't, So stay safe." -Archron the safety droid. It has occurred to me that I am neglecting a huge part of myself here... I make music and dance a lot. I am in multiple bands right now, and play about 14 different instruments, (about half of them fairly well). I have, and continue to dance professionally.... through various on-stage dance productions... I have also been in a video (but I didn't really like it, and never watched it), my favourite kind of dance is contact dance... it's like circ du solei meets tango. Soon (january) I will be opening a new chapter of my life. I am embarking on my mive educational journey which will hopefully take me into the field of design and production of interplanetary mining equipment. I've also been a model for a large chunk of my life. I dunno if that's even interesting to anyone, but it was my favourite thing to do for a while, and I continued doing it successfully for over 4 and a half years. Anything else you'd like to know, just ask. (that sounds kinda lame but really, go ahead.)
Profession: Security, Heavy Equipment, Aerospace Engineering.
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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