maxblockm "Headline"
45 year old man from San Diego, California      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About maxblockm
currently not single/looking... friends have said i'm hilarious, unusual/strange/unique/original, and give good advice. my boss has said i'm a hard worker, money in the bank, and slicker than an eels @** (yes, direct quotes all). i'm right handed; 2+2=4; i can remember my own name and many many other useful details. i have enough belly hair to create the belly button lint phenomena, but i usually keep it trimmed. i can sometimes be found standing on my head/practicing handstands, drinking from the container, or eating a some thing most people consider strange (like a head of lettuce or bell pepper [but never an onion!] like an apple, or maybe a hamburger or hotdog w/peaunt butter on it...) i used to run everywhere when i was a kid, just because it was faster and i could. i haven't really done that for awhile but i'm starting to go back to it...i don't like waiting, but i've gotten better at it... i climb steps two at a time, if not more, and i'll jump a whole flight going down. i am very detail oriented (ie " retentive"), so all the time i save doing things fast and efficient can just disappear sometimes...... it's not a deal breaker, i generally dislike typos, bad syntax/grammar/spelling/etc (unless it's a foreigner, then it's cute/endearing), but will ocionally use them on purpose (bad syntax/spelling/grammar/etc, not the foreigners lol). i don't like it when people are mean/talk down to/put other people down. i wouldn't call my singing 'good' or 'pretty', but when i'm not afraid and i do it with all my heart, then, it's beautiful. i can and have (but don't always) read new york times best sellers (or books that size) in one sitting. i want to get a nice big dog, probly a shepherd, soon as i get a house with a nice big yard (after MT school)... i just moved to SD a couple of days ago (11/14/7) to spend some time getting to know my dad, younger brother, and younger sister (i was raised separately). i hope to also finish magetherapy school while i'm here. i want to get married to the woman God has for me. ...for as much as i have dancing in my interests category i'm probably not that good, but i am ~interested~ in learning/practice... you you can check out my my~space for more info/blogs/pics: my space . com / mblockrocks ...i like the metric system, cold pizza (pineapple and pepperoni)...and...i should be at least as impressed by your character as i am by your good looks. i don't generally like pictures of your beer or your s. i'll have a beer or gl of wine occasionally (beer is actually cheaper than my favorite coffee concotions, but i like the coffees better usually), and if you just look really great in that kind of pic and want to put it up, it's not a deal breaker, but more than one pic of you and an alcoholic bev on your prof and we're probably not a good match. as for your s, dear God i hope they are fantastic, but though i may be momentarily distracted by them they will not keep me from noticing your personality, so just let me see your personality now and save your s/body for marriage. a bikini pic is fine, but don't make your profile a soft ad. ...and girls, take your fingers out of your mouths.... ...i've got skillz...girls like guys that have special skills right!? her headline said: "Flaunt your spelling... chicks dig it." and i was like: "i was just wondering if you had some tips on flaunting one's spelling skillz...i mean, how do you do that really besides not spell anything wrong? put up something like "your profile makes me long for days of yore when a damsel as beautiful as you're could be won by a duel between wordsmiths weilding their powerful weapons until they're there. there? yeah, you know, at the place where one of them has won?" ...yeah, i just saw a profile with the handle of "WorrierPrincess", anyway, tips? then she was all: "haha, well done! you, apparently don't need any tips... it's those other guys out there that do!" ...and that amused me enough to put it on here...yeah, i know it was pretty daft to say "as beautiful as you're," but you probably won't catch me saying "yore" either... if you're just looking for sex, don't look here. thanks!
Profession: foolish thing
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Christian - Other
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