Absolutelytoxic "Good guy in a bad situation looking for someone nice to chat with and possibly more......."
53 year old man from Niagara Falls, New York      Looking for activity partner Last seen over a month ago
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About Absolutelytoxic
Hello! I'm a white male - 5'-7" and pretty average build. I love to play just about any sport (not that I'm great at them or anything, I just love to be active). Anyway, I'm looking for a nice person to chat with - maybe someone who would like to have to some discreet, kinky fun, who knows? ............and NO! I'm not some sort of perv just looking for one-nighter's or anything. I'm just a regular guy who just happens to be in a not-so-great marriage looking for that one real person to bond with. I KNOW there's someone out there who understands what I am going through. What do you say? Feel like being pampered?........maybe sitting in a jacuzzi and just chilling out for an evening?.........or maybe something different altogether? How about we just start out with a nice email first? What do you think? I promise I'll be nice, honest, sincere and I won't bite - unless, of course, you want me to! :) Oh, by the way, that's not really me in the picture. I was just trying to be funny. Anyway, I do have a picture of myself here. It's private, but I'd love to you show you - just ask. Then, when I figure out how to do it, you'll get to see the real me. So what do you think? Interested in at least saying 'Hi' to a really nice guy and making his day? I'd love to hear from you........
Profession: Engineer
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Yes, they live at home
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