r0b0nd7 "Take a chance and roll the dice"
38 year old man from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About r0b0nd7
I recently moved to Mechanicsburg from Harrisburg. I went to Penn State University Park and graduated from Penn State Harrisburg last Winter. I'm currently working in an refractory plant in York as an industrial controls engineer. Eventually, I'd like to go back to school and steer my career towards robotics with medical applications. I'm first and foremost a dreamer. I'm honest, loyal, and (probably overly) caring; my stubborn desire to remain optimistic and mentally serene have overcome any jaded bitterness brought about by the failed experiments known as ex-girlfriends. I'm a Prince Charming set out to prove chivalry is not dead and there are men who are different. I'm intelligent but clumsy. I can be a goofball but I can also be serious. I have no problem taking the wheel, but I do like a girl who can be headstrong. Open mindedness is very important to me, as is a balance between maturity and immaturity. I don't believe distance is an issue as long as it's the right person. When it comes to finding my true soulmate, I'll go as far as I need to, ends of the earth and beyond. Dragons are my favorite animal and if one more person tells me they can't be because they aren't real, I will throw out my robotic career goals and switch to genetic engineering/evolutionary programming. Press ALT + F4 if any of the following statements are true: I spend my weekends in bar lavatories with my head in a toilet. My career will always come before my family. I prefer guys who have no feelings and do not contribute to conversation. The weight a man can bench is directly proportional to his worth in my eyes. I have very expensive tastes and have every intention of using you to satiate them. On average, my phone receives text messages at a rate of five per minute. I am the center of the known universe, and all should regard me as such. I never know how to fill one of these self-advertising descriptions out without coming across as either overconfident and brash, or lacking the appropriate amount of self-esteem. SO if you'd really like to get to know me (and you should), just send me a message.
Profession: Engineer
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
Marital Status
Never married
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No answer
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