yantraimages "Wow, this place really works...woo hoo!"
66 year old man from Glorieta, New Mexico      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About yantraimages
I am a creative. I like to create art, music, photography,record music, and create websites. I am good with computers, like to ride motorcycles, and drive fast cars...slow. I enjoy hiking in really out of the way places, and know many magical areas around Santa Fe. I have sort of a really big my space at www.yantraimages.com I have recently put up a web radio station which will play for a couple of days without repeating some of my favorite music. I Love finding obscure, beautiful, and funny music, and the mix at the Yantra Images Radio Station is designed to turn you on to some wonderful music that gets little airplay. If you go to that website you will figure out what kind of person I am. I am thinking about riding my motorcycle down to Brazil, but I don't know, I might be around for the winter, and Santa Fe will always be my home, I Love it here, it gets kinda lonely sometimes even though I have lots of friends That's about it, that sounds pretty serious though, and a sense of humor is a must, we must laugh until we blow food out our nose, until it burns......OK? My Life Aren't we all simply complex? I am pretty simple on the exterior and I only let my few close friends in to see the deeper side. When it relly comes down to it no one really knows me, just like no one knows you. I just couldn't replay my life and all the experiances that I have had in detail, it's too much work. In a nutshell, I was born in Dallas, Texas to a family that was middle cl but had a position in Dallas Society so I grew up around a lot of financially wealthy and spiritually impoverished people, so I did a lot of drugs and looked for more meaning in life. My friends went off to college and I went off and hitch hiked 30,000 miles, all over the U.S.A. I'm not sure which of us got a better education? Then I decided I wanted to ride my bicycle to Alaska so me and my best friend Bill rode our bicycles 3500 miles, we never got to Alaska. I met a girl in Castlerock Colorado, we fell in Love, but I left anyway. I went back to Dallas, worked for a few months and then moved to a cabin at 9400ft elev. in Northern New Mexico, with no electricity and no running water. It was my hermitage. I was there for 3 months by myself and then that girl from Castlerock showed up at my door. I had drawn a little map on a napkin. She moved in for the winter. In the spring she moved to Fort Collins, Colorado and I followed. We found our spiritual teacher when we were in Fort Collins and she convinced us we should get married.We had been together 3 years when we got married, and conceived a son on the honeymoon night. We had a daughter 4 years later. There were too many incredible experiences with our teacher to even try to convey. I still have great respect for her and her husband, she was the most important person I have met in this life She taught me a wealth of knowledge and understanding and perceptive skills. My wife and I got divorced after we had been married 12 years and together 15. We had moved to Los Angeles to be with this spiritual group, and I started a career with xerox when I was in L.A. working in the television studios, fixing copiers for many of the producers of the television shows we see on tv. I love to watch the credits because I know a lot of those people. So I did that in the daytime and recieved spiritual instruction at night, did a lot of traveling on spiritual pilgrimages all over the country and raised two children. It was a busy time. After we got divorced and our teacher ped away my x-wife moved back to Castlerock, Colorado with both my Son and Daughter, and I moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was a place that was a happy mid-point I was close enough to see my children on a regular basis and a place I Love and I am close to that cabin which I dearly Love for a peaceful getaway. My Parents were still in Dallas so it was an easy trip to go there too. I have been here for 14 years and I truely call it home now. My Parents have both ped away, my sister and brother in law are in Albuquerque and we see each other often. My Brother is in Houston and we see him occasionally. I'm lucky I come from good stock, and I Love my siblings, and of course my Children and we all see each other relatively often. I have always been torn between living in Colorado and being closer to my kids, but now my son is 24 and my daughter is 20 and they don't have time for me anyway.So I have always been a creative, and I paint, write play multiple instruments do multi-track recording, photography, web design, anything creative, I can do it. I like to travel and have been going to southern Mexico quite a bit lately. I still pursue my spiritual studies, and have many dear close friends in Santa Fe. I Love it here, and I love my life, and am quite happy! I have lots of toys, and just got a new motorcycle which has been really fun! I am single and that bugged me for awhile but it doesn't bug me anymore. I've had a couple of girlfriends since I broke up with my wife. One for a year and a half, and one for two and a half years, that was nice and it's nice it's over too. That's about it, that's me...Nial
Profession: Many and various jobs, lots of variety
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
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