teechur "Looking for a bit of passion....and compassion!!"
60 year old man from Riverside, California      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About teechur
Hi. Appreciate you dropping by, hope your day is going well so far! Well let's see. A little about me..... Teacher, former social worker, coach and now credentialed guidance counselor. Still love to teach though, always will. I love a spirit of adventure, spontaneity, compion,and overall a pion for living. Teaching is all that, a good fit for me, plus I like that stuff in real life too, ever go on a road trip??? As a general rule, I do try to do 'the right thing'. Alas I am human and fail sometimes, I will admit that much, but I do try. As a teacher, I think my kids look up to me (perhaps because I am taller than them, lol). I try to instill in them a sense of wonder, dignity and humor, while trying to inspire them to greater things beyond the friday nite football game. Gooo TIgers!!! It is not easy, a teenager has fairly short term vision, most of them anyways. I know I did-when I was in high school a gal just needed a hot bod and a cool smile and I was putty in her hands. Hah, what a dufus I was. Perhaps still am. But I digress. I work from time to time at a soup kitchen, and enjoy trying to make the most meager of men feel a little bit better about themselves, even if it is for a few fleeting hours. Really not much to it, but surprisingly not many people volunteer. I find feeding their souls (just sitting and talking to them for instance) is as important as feeding them food. I guess you could say I try to inspire them, but maybe that is a stretch, I am not sure. My younger sister ispires me. She once gave away her car, can you believe it? I thought at first that she needed to go to the loonie bin, but that is how she is.....she felt the gal needed it more than she did, I think this woman had several kids, was a student and had no hubby. When she told me that part I was moved. I began to realize what I really wanted, hmmmm needed actually, from a mate. No, not a sugar momma whose going to give me her car, I am talking about Inspiration. I need to look up at you and say 'wow' you are an amazing person, you INSPIRE me to do great things. Now don't get me wrong, I probably won't be giving up my car anytime soon, skateboarding to school is not really working for me, although with traffic on the freeways these days, maybe I would make it there faster. I like to help others and want to find another who enjoys doing good works and together our synergy (wow that sounds hokey) will allow us to do reallly great things that we probably couldn't or wouldn't do alone. Adopt kids, help run a soup kitchen, set up a foundation for Ethopians, write a grant for housing, join the Red Cross or Habitat, something like that. Plus all the other good stuff-travel, parties, concerts, you know the fun stuff. That keeps us energized-I believe you gotta take care of numero uno if you are going to help others....a lesson learned while working as a social worker. So like if I am having a bad day, you are having a good one and your joie de vivre, your joy of life, and your gentle spirit will lift me. Rub my neck, tell me all will be well...tomorrow. Likewise, I would do the same for you, and may (if you play your cards right) just hook you up with some killer dark chocolate. It's true you know, once you go dark you never go back. Ah, I am digressing again. Ok, so is that it? Let me think. Well no, I guess I have to fess up to my shallow side now. I need you to be decent looking, you don't have to be a hottie, usually those gals are high maintenance and self focused. Notice I said most. Decent looking, good heart, fun, have some stones (able to tell me to shut up when necessary for instance), willing to take a few risks now and then, pionate about life. Well if you are still reading this, and haven't fallen asleep or tossed your cookies, then you are either a little craaazy or the gal of my dreams. Maybe both, that would be cool, a two for one deal..... .
Profession: teacher
Physical Appearance
6' 2"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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