muffy6907 "Looking for someone to be there for me"
36 year old woman from Point Pleasant, West Virginia      Looking for activity partner Last seen over a month ago
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About muffy6907
my name is Roxanne Russell. i was born october 23 1988 i have a brother and a sister my brother is 11 and my sister is 29 I grew up in Charleston west parents are tersesa and jeff russell..i was a spoiled kid i guess you can say i always got what i wanted.I went to church every sunday and every wednesday i was in browny scouts i was in clubs at school ...... my sister got married when she was 17 to johnny turley they lived behind our trailor in a great grandmother died in 1998 and my uncle jimmy died about a week later My life started to go down here i started to rebell i didnt want to listen to athority..i didnt want to go to school or even live anymore. I was very close to my great grandma she was my everything.My dads mom lived in Gallipolis and i always went and played in the river and go fishing ..Around 99 my grandma moved to Point Pleasant on Burdette Addition. I met a few girls they were good kids i guess you could say but not the good i was looking for. Around 2000 we moved to Point Pleasant i was in like 5th grade. i was a shy kid. i didnt want to be away from where i was grown up at but my family got in a arguement and we moved because my parents said that i shouldnt be grown up around some idiots like that. i went to north point. i remember my first day there i was scared i wore a skirt and a dressy shirt and all the kids looked at me like i was some kind of about a week later i started wearing jeans and t shirts i tried to fit in the best i could. i just wanted to be accepted. In like 6th grade i started smoking ciggerates I thought it was the coolest thing. i was ruining my life around this time. i lied to people about my age and i dressed like i was some kind of hooch.. i hung around the wrong people and i hung around older guys than me. i wanted to be accepted in every way there was. When summer cam along i got sent to a Time Out shelter in Huntington i overdosed on oxycotten . I met a girl that was 17 and another one that was my age. they were talking about running away and i was dumb and asked can i go? they said yes. that night we ran away to one of the girls boyfriends house. I has my first drink of alcohol there. I got sick really bad My first time. 3 days later we left that house and went to the other girls house. her mother didnt care that we ran away she just told us to stay cool and she'd let us stay there.. about a week later a guy came and he just got out of jail he was totally hitting on me and he asked me if i would ever go to texas and i was like yes and he said you want to so around 4 days later i went to elpaso texas with this guy i really didnt even know. we lived at his aunts. she didnt mind but i had to say i was 17 and really i was 15. this guy and I we got really close. I called my parents once in a blue moon just to say hey im still alive and dont worry i will be home soon. about a month later i got arrested because my mom called the cops and they found where we was at. i got put on a period of improvement for a year. i got drug screened and i had to have counseling. i was good for about 3 months then i started to do drugs. i did anything i could get my hands on. i met people off the internet and got drugs. i sold them and they sold them to me. i failed 5 of my drugg sreens and i got put in a rehab called ceder ridge. i was there for about 7 months. I never got drug screened there and i never got into trouble. I came home near the middle of January. I came home and i skipped school / got suspened/ and never went to church i quit everything MY LIFE WAS FOR THE DRUGS. i have gotten into fights but i am not that kind of person i dont like fighting. i am a loving girl. i dont like to hurt anyone In 2005 i got locked up at river park hospital at the roads program i was there for about 10 months. My life changed all around when i got out. i really didnt want to leave that place because i knew that the people that i hung out with before wasnt gonna change and i changed and they are still the same people. i have got my head on straight this time. Now i can make time for the fun things in life. i love to go fishing,four wheeling, movies, football games,movies and everything that a teenager should be doing. I have left out alot of things out of this story about me but i hope that everyone who heard this will listen to what i got to say Drugs are not for anyone all they do is kill you and make you do things you would never do in real reality. Thanks for your time
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Physical Appearance
5' 5"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
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