SunriseDan "Attitude is everything"
76 year old man from Cocoa Beach, Florida      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About SunriseDan
If you haven't put your current picture up or are using a fake one (NOT YOURS) go no further!! Just got back from Germany and Greece for several months - my newest picture was taken February 2010 in front of the Sheriff's Office where I spend time. NO actually was in the Special Operations area doing stuff. What else to tell you? I'm extremely playful and spontaneous love kids, but most of all travel. Value having deep thoughtful conversations but am never far from making some sort of humorous comment, even more so if the situation is difficult. I look for someone who is balanced in ways I consider myself to be balanced. I’ve always looked for my best friend first, then someone who I may want to be intimate with. I love the type of relationship, where you are partners always looking out for each others best interest. "NOT to pay for them". The type of relationship where you are a team is essential to me. To be more specific: I look for someone who is balanced in ways that I consider myself balanced, playful but responsible, bright but not an intellectual snob, ambitious but knows what is important in family life. Yes, I love to have fun, laughing and the love of life is part of it. At present learning Russian, speak Arabic and Japanese, have a BSB/IS degree, twenty five years in the Federal Government and twenty two years flying in the AF Reserves. I'm not an average guy, "Overweight, Smoker, with a beer belly watching TV all the time". Love the sun on my face, spoiling my partner by giving surprises; hearing thunder and watch lightening in a rain storm. Like to watch the sun come up with a hot cup of coffee, kissing just for fun while snuggling up to watch the sunsets. Like going to movies, dinners out, walks on the beach with sand between my toes or mountain drives. I'm looking for a SLENDER, happy female who wants to have fun maybe more if things work out.
Profession: Retired Government and Air Force (Res)
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Christian - Other
Want Children?

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