infinatesorrow "Hello ladies"
54 year old man from Paducah, Kentucky      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About infinatesorrow
helllo ladies its me the man the myth the slamdancer often imitated, never duplicated ALWAYS underestimated. anyway cheesy but ill be damned if i can describe weird thats all there is to it. i am also VERY deep and very solid artist musician writer and a number of other things my tastes are broad and eclectic and i approach life from alot different perspective than most truth is i dont translate well in the virtual world im too outspoken, too off the wall which is funny because i dont put people down i build them up i help anyone who is in need, i stand up for my beliefs, keep my word never strike a woman or child , dont name call always seek a solution in arguments and will stand beside my lover through hell and back refuse to put up with abuse and have helped many people through the toughest time in their lives without ever asking for anything back i dont cheat, though i prefer open relationships i encourage the growth of my partner and stand behind them to catch them if they fall but hey i guess these arent qualities people appreciate anymore and yes i am very up front about who i am my personality can be overwhelming i abhor violence but have the courage to stand for what i believe in i am a really intense person, that has traveled alot and been through events that have opened my mind. i am brilliant at times, dumber than a box of rocks at others. i live by a set of principles,and badhere to the best of my frail human ability i strive and i have alot of heart and a crusader type of personality. i am funny,but a little off color with my jokes and speech. i admit when i am wrong and have no fear of my reflection in the mirror. considered one of the most solid people you meet, my greatest weakness is myself my only weapon my intellect i help people, i dont care if they take advantage of me thats their karma not mine i try to grow and learn i dont fit in anywhere, but can converse with anyone i party too much but i do it in style and i keep my job. i firmly follow my beliefs and they color my actions accordingly. i try to stay true to my word so that i can be the best person i am capable of being. i moved here from la, and mayfield is driving me crazy. i mean very few people really 'get me' anyway but here its a whole nother dimension. not that i dont have frinds, just that they have their lives i have mine and i sit here and whither away from loneliness it sucks. its not that im not comfortable by myself, its that i need people to relate to. i havent been in a relationship since my divorce in 06. i have had plenty of casual sex, but i am a very real person and that doesnt cut it for me. but i know what i want and i refuse to compromise or settle. i want a best friend, a partner, a lover an explorer. but im so different from other people that i am losing hope and thinking that casual is all ill ever find. im a really good man and very remarkable, but i really cant find my niche anymore. im just too much for alot of people, i dont plot against people, try not to gossip, and strive for excellence i share any knowledge i have freely alot of my strengths others view as weakness, truth is you have to get to know me i have alot of heart and i have it to spare im lonely here and need friends i do anything go anywhere and enjoy sharing other people worlds drop me a line chances are im either on a crusade,studying some new plan to take over the world or cruising the net to try to find someone to kick it with ha ha.anything else just ask
Profession: mechanic
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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