Aquatic "Temporarily deactivated (on vacation) please do not contact for now. thanks!"
104 year old man from Mill Valley, California      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Aquatic
I'm not 99, I just altered my birthdate to remove myself from searches while I'm on vacation. Let's talk sometime and get to know each other. In the meantime, here's my monologue... Someone asked me to describe myself in one word and I said, "friendly." I value my friends dearly and am always open to new ones. Once I make good friends, I tend to keep them for life. = You can count on me, I'll tell you who I am and I keep my promises. I won't keep you guessing because all you have to do is ask and you'll get a straight answer. = There's something about being in or near natural water that I truly enjoy. It's relaxing, refreshing, invigorating, powerful. = My family is spread across the world, but we manage to stay in touch. Some are local and we see each other regularly. = I have strong common sense and you will usually find me mature and responsible. I know and do the "right thing", though when I am wrong, I will admit it. = Experience has brought me confidence, which keeps me open-minded while I still preserve my personal values. = Having traveled around the world for both pleasure and business, I am now more interested in developing my home life (but don't fret, I've still got my traveling shoes). = You need to know that I'm very allergic to cats and can't live with them. = What else? When we hit it off, I enjoy engaging in animated conversations. With the right person (match, friend, Muni-rider...), I can talk up a storm without blabbing in your face; it's true dialogue. Other times you'll find me quiet; no, there's nothing wrong... I enjoy quiet. = Oh, did I mention kids? No, I don't have any, but kids and I get along famously! About my match: = You take good care of yourself and are kind to others. = You're friendly and optimistic. = You're expressive and tolerate nothing but honesty. = You see beauty in your everyday life.
Profession: Web Designer and Computer Trainer
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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