josh_nicoletto "Single dad looking"
43 year old man from Newberg, Oregon      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About josh_nicoletto
I am kind of a perfectionest proffesionaly, (i have to be or no one will pay me;) i try to be the best at everything i do. i am a hardworker and have a stabil career. I have two little girls ages 3 and 7, they are my whole life. I enjoy going fishing, hunting, horse back riding,hikeing camping and pretty much anything outdoors,(though its been a while since i did much of any of those things) I like to relax and cuddle, to play games with my kids and go to the park, they play soccer, tball and do dance and gymnastics. we like to go bowling and to the arcade. i like going to the movies and dinner, or sitting on the couch and watching tv I am an affectionate, touchy feely person im pionate about everything i do. i do not like drama or games, i am a country boy and like to keep things simple, i always try to do what i think is right,even when it gets me into trouble. i try to be fair and honest,i always try to be a gentalmen,dont always accomplish it but i try. If i date someone i am manogam,(some say the gr is greener on the other side of the fence,I say water your own lawn) On that note i dont know what im looking for, but some qualities are a must, patience, understanding, pion, hardworking, dedication, easygoing and nurturing, over all just a nice down to earth person. I didnt grow up here in oregon, nore have i been (out) alot since i came here, but i would like to get out and meet some new people and see some new things. since i dont get out much im hopeing the internet thing will help.
Profession: auto restoration
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, sometimes they live at home
No answer
Want Children?
No answer
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