MikeTXAg03 "They say you meet someone when you least expect it. guess we will find out!"
44 year old man from Houston, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About MikeTXAg03
To be honest I hate typing these sort of things. I am here to test this site out but I have not established any expectations yet; though I'm hoping to be pleasantly suprised! I would like to meet a girl that is fun to hangout with regardless if it's a night out or a stay at home night on the couch. I like a girl that loves to laugh and has a witty sense of humor because that's such a turn on for me. It wouldn't hurt if she liked sports either because I am a big football, basketball, and baseball fan! I am very open minded and laid back so I am up for whatever comes my way so don't be shy about getting in touch if you're interested! So a little about me, I work in Corporate Banking for a major financial insution. I currently live in the Galleria area of Houston. I graduated from Texas A&M University(WHOOP!) with a degree in Economics. I'm pretty laid back and easy going until I'm rubbed the wrong way, then it's on biotch...haha. Anyway, I'm very family oriented, self motivated, witty, I'd like to think I'm pretty intelligent, outgoing, and kind (maybe too much so for my own damn good sometimes!). I like to have my fun as much as possible hanging with my friends, making my presense at local bars and clubs on occaision, take in as many good movies as I can, and also throw in some good concerts when bands I like roll into town. Well time to wrap this short little bio thing up...besides I'm sure by this point you're already thinking to yourself "Damn this Mike guy rocks!" haha.
Profession: Corporate Banking
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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