dr2nice "Lds handyman"
72 year old man from Portland, Oregon      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About dr2nice
A single word description of me is: "complex". I'm intelligent, driven, compionate and troubled. I love gardening, plants and mycellium. I am a bicyclist, tinkerer and photographer. Updated 3 Apr '11 - I am not your average guy. The single word that best describes me is 'complex', with 'deep' running a close second. I was married to my first wife, (who left after 22 years of marriage and is now remarried. The second marriage, a rebound relationship that I should have known better than, lasted 4 months. So I have been married and divorced twice. I have been single now for over 11 years. I have 6 children living, and 2 that have ped on. I have 14 grand children so far, with another one on the way. My youngest son, was married a few weeks ago, being the last of my children to get hitched. I currently am living in my home in Portland, Oregon, USA, working on fixing it up so I can sell it when the local real estate market recovers. I plan to go to the Philippines as soon as my house sells and I settle my affairs here in the US, which I hope will be some time next year (2012). I work part time as a handyman and I run a few small niche marketing businesses. (Don't believe in putting all my eggs in one basket.) Most of my spare time is devoted to the SOE Block Project. (http://sites.google.com/site/soeblockproject/) & (http://societyofenoch.wordpress.com/) I have some college education (about 2 1/2 years formally and about another 3 years informally, via open courseware and independent study) and have had training in specialty areas like financial planning, real estate, marketing and computer repair. I am addicted to learning and spend many hours each week reading and studying topics of personal interest and advancement. I am planning a 2 or more year long trip to the Philippines to build a small, eco-friendly, self sustaining community where we will generate our own power, grow our own food, and offer ongoing medical care, education, jobs and much more to members of the community. This project, called the Society of Enoch Block Project, will serve as a model for others to emulate worldwide. It will have 12 households that work together so that all will have the basic necessities of life available to them. We want to provide all of the basic needs most spend their lives trying to secure for themselves and their families, so that members of the community can advance and grow personally and there by contribute to society at large at a higher level, instead of expending their time and energy surviving. The Block Project will be part of a larger project carried out by my financial backers, and will be the first of three or more facilities built over the next five years. My hobbies include gardening; raising specialty plants like bonsai, orchids and mushrooms, bicycling, hiking, photography, and space. I am a tinkerer/inventor and am always working on some kind of project. I seem to have a gift for fixing things that seem unrepairable.. Given the proper tools and resources I believe I could fix a rainy day. I am here mainly to make friends. If a friendship developed into something more I wouldn't reject it, however I don't feel like this is the right time for me to pursue an eternal companionship. I say that because it seems unreasonable to me to ask someone to essentially abandon their life and come be part of mine, especially when the only security I could offer for the next few years would be my love and faithfulness. My life over the next few years will be all hard work and struggle. It's not much to offer someone unless that someone welcomes change, challenge and hard work. I am an unshakably committed cannabis legalization advocate and activist. I have a testimony that cannabis is profoundly beneficial and should be completely legalized, that it's current illegality is causing mive, unnecessary suffering and death for millions of people in the US and billions around the world. I have a relatively rare sleep disorder (circadian phase shift disorder) which has made it virtually impossible for me to hold down a normal job for my entire life. This was only diagnosed recently, prior to which I simply endured people's generally negative atudes about me based on my work history. Despite the challenges I have been blessed with I have managed to survive financially. If you think you know me from what you have read in this profile, it is likely you are mistaken in that umption. The content of this profile doesn't even scratch the surface of me. (To see a lot more photos of me and by me find me on fcbk with the same screen name as here.) I am just not a plain, average, ordinary guy. I am here mainly to make friends. I am seeking an eternal companion, however my time is limited at this point. I hope to meet someone worth investing the time in who finds me interesting enough to invest the time in getting to know me. I will accept almost anyone's friend request here, so don't interpret that as interest. I am trying to learn Tagalog and welcome anyone who wants to help me with that. If you want to attract my interest romantically then demonstrate that you are exceptional by writing something substantial in your profile. All a short paragraph that says you like reading, children and long walks on the beach tells me is that you can neither think nor write. If you want to catch my eye, show me your mind. People I want to connect with are interesting, exceptional, and intelligent. I prefer to ociate with people who understand the true meaning of Charity and are striving to develop it in their personality. People who are spiritual by choice, and who are dedicated to serving others. Nothing attracts me more than intelligence grounded in Charity.
Profession: Handyman
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, sometimes they live at home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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