unionironworker "Dork with a paint job"
60 year old man from Canyon Country, California      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About unionironworker
I'm 245 yrs. old and look damn good for...How's that?...I'm 45? Holy crap I need to change my life! I am very active, I surf, rock climb, have a dirt bike, snowboard, smoke, cuss,(but not in front of women or children unless they do it first) and spit. UPDATE! I recently took a 12' fall at work so all of that stuff I just mentioned is on hold for a little bit. (See next sentence that has always been here). I am fairly reckless at times, if its dangerous I'll do it, or probably already do. Humor is a must!!! Wacky and not easily offended or squeamish. I would like to meet someone who is confident not arrogant, determined not driven, and outgoing, not going out,... with my friends. Honesty, trust, lust for adventure, spontaneity, be yourself and like who you are. I must be honest, looks are important we have to be attracted to each other. If I'm not what someone likes, then I would hope that they would be honest rather than nice. Actually honest is nice. If you need your car fixed, need someone to build, remodel, or just work around the house, or just a MAN to cling to in a dark alley, I'm that guy. But I am also a guy that gets about 70% of the questions on jeopardy. Ok, maybe 60%. 55%? But if you want a manicured hand, or a pretty boy with no opinion on life, love, or the world around him, keep going and good luck to you. And good luck in that dark alley!! Or perhaps you prefer a control freak? Keep looking, you'll find one. Want a rich man that will leave you home alone every night? Lots of nice expensive stuff, but remember it gets lonely in a gilded cage! More about me though, that's why we're all here... ;^)~ I am a morning/night person. I get up at 4:30 almost every day. I sleep in on the weekends until 6 or 7. I stay up until 11 or 12. I'll have plenty of time to sleep when I die. I have only ever had one one night stand in my life and that was only because she never returned my calls. I have been faithful in every relationship I have ever been in and have never raised my hand to a woman or been verbally abusive. I am articulate enough to try and get my point across, and open-minded enough to try and see your point. But I don't mind a little heated banter all in the name of fun and foreplay!! Oh c'mon, so I said foreplay, if you're offended by words like that, then I am definitely not your kind of man!! I get offended when a woman opens the door for me. That's my job. I am an old fashioned man. I don't care who invited who, I PAY! Unless of course you make more than me! Just a joke ladies! Ok, now if you're still with me after those last few comments, then let's talk. I will do almost anything to make people laugh am not afraid to poke fun at myself, (such an easy target), or you or anything else. I am politically INcorrect and all my friends tell me I should do stand-up. I AM rather funny, but looks aren't everything!!!! Or are they? I do live in the land of superficial, greedy, remorseless, money-grubbing, fake, fraudulent, two-faced, keep up with and surp the Jones', look at me, zombies. Los Angeles, the land of beautiful people..........on the outside! Where everyone is a star, just ask them.That should be our tourism slogan.But I don't really have an opinion! P.S. I have never left the seat up in my life. Even though I live alone and I'm the only one that uses either one. So I guess you women trained me at a young age about that. But you ladies really should turn your head and take a look. Answers to questions I get asked: No I don't have a maid. I decorated it myself. Yes I can fix that. I haven't seen it, or her, or him, or them... Yes I'm serious. I don't know. No I am not crazy, just a little out of plumb. 12 years. Why do I "Have to be kidding you"? No I don't want ketchup. I'm good thanks. No you can't help me. You're not a licensed therapist. Yes I found Jesus. I dropped him off at his house last night. Is he gone again? Yeah I'll help you move. Yes I know why you pulled me over. Yes I thought I would get away with it that's why I did it you dumb . That's none of your business. Thank you for coming, and have a nice day.
Profession: union ironworker
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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