davidcm1991 "---"
33 year old man from Liverpool, England      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About davidcm1991
Best Before: (Insert death date here) I haven't decided exactly what I want from this world yet. I haven't exactly found my calling and I'm still searching for what this world wants from me. I like to think that I can get along with all types of people and like to give any situation a go. I like to see myself as creative and enjoy acting and writing. Acting is a big hobby of mine and quite a big part of my life, and writing is something I do to just relax and let my mind wonder. Most of what I've written are scripts, and I don't really expect them to get anywhere (I don't even know if they're good or not lol). I just enjoy writing them. I like tea... A lot. Me and my flatmate collect different types of tea, including: Darjeeling, Earl Grey, Assam, Gold, English Breakfast, Lancashire Tea, Green Tea, A few fruity flavoured tea's and good old Asda Smartprice tea :P. Our ultimate aim if we win the lottery or somehow come up with a bit of money is to open our tea shop, and hopefully when that happens, the place that we want will still be To Let. It's in Huyton Village and it's next door to a coffee shop called "Yes Coffee" so we want to open one up right next door called "No, Tea :)" including the smiley face so that people will walk past and one will say "You want a coffee?" And the other will say "No, tea" and smile, then come into our shop :). Music wise, I really don't know what to say to be honest, I like everything and anything.... literally. My favourite artists of all time are Avenged Sevenfold, Queen, and Steps... In that order. Sort of wide range, but depending on my mood, my other most listened to are , P!nk, The Beatles, Eminem, A1, Scooter, LMFAO and songs from the musical "Rent" (The best musical of all time and I'm not ashamed to say I do end up in floods of tears every time I watch it.) So yeah... I will basically listen to anything on the planet and enjoy it.... (Unless it's Justin Beiber... He even fails to entertain the person who's entertained by near enough anything.)
Profession: Tour Guide
Physical Appearance
5' 4"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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