EclectiKid "Looking for happy and creative lady friend"
65 year old man from Midwest City, Oklahoma      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About EclectiKid
Mindful, stable, creative, thinking man who relates pretty well with kids and animals (pretty much anyone with thier sense of wonder still intact). Occasionally witty though some may call this 'being a smart '. Very ethical and nicely polite, yet irreverant. Retired military officer who takes the 'officer and a gentleman' part of the commission seriously. Usually nicely dressed and well-groomed. Current activities include being an animal shelter volunteer, wood carving, reading voraciously, socializing a newly adopted dog, surfing the net for the unusual and puttering about the house. Work with computers for a living, but never bore anyone with the details outside the workplace. Am mostly a home body versus large social activities, but enjoy just about anything well-performed. Love carnivals and fairs of all kinds, fishing, camping (have a motorhome), movies, practical jokes, parks, shopping and malls, making things, flea markets, trying the new and unusual, playing board games or cards with kids and adults. Enjoy magical entertainment on either side of the curtain, street performers, learning new things, eating well, walks, target shooting, etc. Do not really enjoy (though will sometimes pretend to) activities involving a lot of alcohol, smoking, religion, organized sports, drama whether on TV or created by others for their entertainment, rap (or screamy heavy metal) thundering from the car in the next lane, or (this might get me kicked out of the state) C&W music. Just looking for freindship. Having freinds is good.
Profession: Computer guy
Physical Appearance
6' 2"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Buddhist / Taoist
Want Children?
Your History With EclectiKid