Von1972 "Cant believe im trying a dating website!"
51 year old woman from Newburgh, Indiana      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Von1972
Hello I'm a single woman looking to meet new people, make friends, and just maybe hope "love" still exist. If I don't find love, I would like to make a friend or two. LIL BOUT ME: I love sports all kinds except baseball(will watch World Series), every morning I wake to watch HLN and Sports Center, love fishing (even bow fishing, dropped the bow in the lake, long story, lol) anything out doors, I can change oil in a car and tap a starter...do they still do that?? But I'm a paper pusher work in office environment. I'm really down to earth love to talk so if you don't like talkers this is your disclaimer, lol. I'm looking for a nice guy that has a goal in life unless he already reached and yet still have a dream for so much more. Someone that's not afraid to laugh (out loud) and be silly, without worrying about judgment. Like to meet that guy that is as in to me as I am in to him, because I definitely have a lot to offer a relationship. Life is short and I like to live for today, forget about yesterday, and not even think about tomorrow because its not promised...no regrets and drama free....told you I was a talker!! Ask me anything...if u don't mind the answer.
Profession: Managment
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
Black / African descent
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Want Children?
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