MomoTarou "Go easy on me...!!!"
57 year old man from Ashland, Virginia      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About MomoTarou
It's nice to meet, if not really in person. I'd love to find someone special to spend lots of quiet, happy time with, just enjoying the simple and wonderful things in life. If I _don't_ respond to your nudge or message, please forgive me, I'm very busy and struggling to juggle all these confusing dating accounts! (Yes, please forgive me folks, I don't check this often, so those of you who have been nice enough to email me, thank you, I am very sorry if you got mad and deleted your account because I didn't get back to you...) OK, now I am updating this a bit. All about me! 2012 was such a bad year for me. I hope that this is a better year. Things have happened to really teach me how brief life is, and how important your family and friends are. And how life is rushing by, and I just don't want to be all alone when I'm old. Right now, I am a computer programmer for a large research university. I don't make a lot of money, so I can't do a lot of things I'd like to do yet. On weekends I go home to help my Ma out, we have a small farm, and I would love to live there all the time. So I hope that some day, I can do programming work from there, and maybe do some farming? Raise herbs, veggies, flowers? We used to raise tobacco, but I can't do that any more. Any girls out there interested in living on a farm some day...? I enjoy working out and staying in shape so that I can do stuff and be healthy. I don't like gyms though. I try to do some martial arts stuff (bagua for my back), I like running, and kettlebells, pushups, that sort of thing. I also like things like steamed veggies (as well as my Ma's home cooking!). Well, I like most foods, I'm a pig. I'd like to go fishing, if I had time and a good place to fish at. Someday I'd love to travel to places like Japan, especially some small farm areas. I am very interested in "WWOOFING". There is much of the US I want to see as well. Well, I've never really been anywhere, so any trip would be nice I guess. As for hobbies, I am shy and a home-body, and also I am trying to become very frugal. So I don't go to restaurants (much!) or movies or concerts. I tend to do stuff at home like study Japanese, watch anime & dramas, work out, study, and read. Physically, I think I'm doing well for a man my age who has done a lot of heavy work outdoors and now has a desk job. Most of my problems seem to come from overdoing it! Appearance-wise, I guess I'm OK, but, I have horrible hill-billy teeth with a big gap in them, I must warn you! Enough rambling about me. Does any of this interest you? And as for you, what am I looking for? I'm not sure that I know, to be honest. I'd like to meet a Christian girl. I am weak enough without marrying a worldly person I think. Hopefully someday I could be in a marriage operating on Biblical principles, where we serve each other to the benefit of both of us. I don't like lots of tattoos and piercings on a lady. I'd like to find just a sweet, quiet girl, who I can enjoy long walks and quiet times with. Of course physical attraction is important too but I hardly expect a supermodel, I prefer cute to beautiful, and am fully aware of my own shortcomings. And preferably you'd live close enough that we could see each throughout the week and get to know each other enough not to make any mistakes. I hope all of that is helpful! Good luck in your search, and may God bless you!
Profession: computer programmer
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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